Special Issue of The Annals of the University of Bucharest, Philosophy Series:

Transhumanist future trends: a world depicted by cyborgs, bio-enhancement and gene technologies

The Annals of the University of Bucharest, Philosophy Series will devote its further issue to a special volume inspired by the most recent book of Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, We have always been cyborgs (Bristol University Press, 2021[1]). Sorgner’s account tries to highlight new perspectives on trans- and posthumanism, focused on three major thematic realms: Digital Data, Gene Technologies, and the Ethics of Transhumanism.

Authors interested in submitting their contributions for evaluation in order to be published in No 2, Issue 71, scheduled for 2022, are kindly asked to develop original articles, unpublished previously elsewhere, by following the editorial protocol of the journal[2], on the following, but not restricted, topics inspired by Sorgner’s book:

  • AI, brain-computer interfaces, genetic technologies, life extension
  • Critical aspects of transhumanism linked with digitalization
  • Human perfection, cyborgs, bio-enhancement, uploaded minds, immortality
  • Pessimistic and nihilistic turns of transhumanism
  • Norms, values and utopias inspired by transhumanism
  • Philosophical determinations of policy-making standards for contemporary digital culture and gene ethics
  • Personal and political interests in data collection
  • Panoptical effects of the virtual world
  • Bio-enhancement as key-solution to reduce violence and increase empathy and solidarity

Book reviews that critically address different hermeneutical insights of Stefan Lorenz Sorgner`s volume, We have always been cyborgs, are welcome, too.

Deadline and publication details

Articles and reviews should be submitted to the next e-mail addresses, oana.serban@filosofie.unibuc.ro and annals.philosophy@filosofie.unibuc.ro, by the 1st of September, 2022. After a process of double-blind peer review, articles will be scheduled for publication, forthcoming no later than November 1st, 2022.

The Annals of the University of Bucharest – Philosophy series, is a philosophical open-access research journal, published by the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy.

The Annals of the University of Bucharest, Philosophical series, is a scholarly double blind peer reviewed journal. The journal publishes articles considered of relevance for those interested in the field of philosophy and is addressed both to the Romanian and international philosophical community, with a special accent on East- and Central-European area.

The Annals of the University of Bucharest, Philosophical series, is devoted to the exploration of different topics of Philosophy.

Currently the journal is indexed by ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index – Web of Science), EBSCOhostPhilosopher’s Index with Full Text , ERIH PLUSCEEOLDOAJ.


[1] https://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/we-have-always-been-cyborgs

[2] http://annals.filosofie.unibuc.ro/index.php/annals/about/submissions