Practici ale Filosofiei pentru copii în școala primară, 15 aprilie 2024

Practici ale filosofiei cu copii în școala primară 

15 aprilie 2024



În cadrul programului național „Școala altfel”, Centrul de Formare în Filosofie (CFF) din Facultatea de Filosofie a Universității din București organizează, în parteneriat cu Școala Gimnazială Nr. 279, două ateliere de filosofie cu copii, în ziua de luni, 15 aprilie 2024.

  • 00-10-50: Atelier de filosofie cu copii: Cum să trăiesc, pentru a fi fericit?
    • cu elevii clasei a III-a E (profesor Diana Filimon)
    • facilitator: conf. dr. Marin Bălan
  • 00-11.50: Atelier de filosofie cu copii: Cum sunt și cum par că sunt?
    • cu elevii clasei a III-a B (profesor Marina Enache)
    • facilitator: conf. dr. Marin Bălan


    Centrul de Formare în Filosofie din Facultatea de Filosofie a Universității din București


    Școala Gimnazială nr. 279 din București

    Atelierul „Analiza datelor introspective”, 13-16 noiembrie 2023

    În datele de 13, 14, 15 și 16 noiembrie, orele 18-20, va avea loc la Facultatea de Filosofie, în Splaiul Independenței nr. 204, București 060024, un tutorial colegial (atelier de tip “peer learning”) intitulat “Analiza datelor introspective”. Acesta va fi coordonat de acad. prof. dr. Mircea Dumitru, prof. dr. Dragoș Iliescu și asist. Andrei Mărăşoiu.

    Atelierul (în format hibrid) va consta într-o discuție ghidată în parcurgerea cărții „Describing inner experience?” (MIT, 2007) de Russell Hurlburt and Eric Schwitzgebel. Dacă doriți să participați, nu ezitați să-l contactacți pe  

    Evenimentul se vs bucura de prezenta, via Zoom, a coautorilor cărții discutate, Eric Schwitzgebel și Russell Hurlburt, în zilele de 14 și, respectiv, 16 noiembrie.

    Practici ale Filosofiei pentru copii în școala primară: 15-16 noiembrie 2023

    Practici ale Filosofiei pentru copii în școala primară

     15 și 16 noiembrie 2023


    Ziua Mondială a Filosofiei

    Cu ocazia Zilei Mondiale a Filosofiei, Centrul de Formare în Filosofie (CFF) din Facultatea de Filosofie a Universității din București organizează, în parteneriat cu Școala Gimnazială Nr. 81 și Școala Gimnazială „Pia Brătianu,” ateliere de filosofie pentru copii și worshop-uri de formare în filosofia pentru copii cu profesori din învățământul școlar și preșcolar.



    15 noiembrie: Școala Gimnazială Nr. 81

    • 00-15-50: Atelier de filosofie pentru copii: A fi diferit sau a fi la fel?
      • cu elevii clasei a IV-a C (profesor Georgiana Panaitescu-Liess)
      • facilitator: conf. dr. Marin Bălan
    • 00-17.30: workshop: Folosirea dilemelor morale în atelierele de filosofie pentru copii
      • cu cadre didactice din învățământul primar și preșcolar
      • formator: conf. dr. Marin Bălan

    16 noiembrie 2023, la Școala Gimnazială „Pia Brătianu”

    • 00-11.45: Atelier de filosofie pentru copii: Ar trebui să faci întotdeauna bine?
    • cu elevii clasei a II-a E (profesor Cristina Frone)
      • facilitator: conf. dr. Marin Bălan
    • 15- 13.45: workshop: Folosirea experimentelor de gândire în atelierele de filosofie pentru copii
      • cu cadre didactice din învățământul primar și preșcolar:
        • formator: conf. dr. Marin Bălan



    • Centrul de Formare în Filosofie din Facultatea de Filosofie a Universității din București


    • Școala Gimnazială nr. 81 din București
    • Școala Gimnazială „Pia Brătianu” din București

    Comitetul de organizare

    • Conf. dr. Marin Bălan, Facultatea de Filosofie a Universității din București, director al Centrului de Formare în Filosofie
    • Profesor Camelia Andreescu, director adjunct la Școala Gimnazială nr. 81 din București
    • Profesor Cristina Frone, Școala Gimnazială „Pia Brătianu” din București

    Înscrieri la workshop-uri

    • Cine se poate înscrie?

    Numai cadre didactice din învățământul primar și preșcolar (cu statut de titular sau suplinitor).

    Cadrele didactice de la alte școli decât cele partenere vor fi acceptate doar în măsura în care rămân locuri disponibile.

    • Data limită pentru înscrieri: 14.11.2022
    • Ce trebuie să conțină cererea de înscriere?
      • Nume și prenume
      • Afilierea instituțională: școala / grădinița
      • Date despre instituție: e-mail, telefon
    • Număr de locuri: 25
    • Cererile de înscriere se pot trimite:

    Pentru workshop-ul de la Școala Gimnazială Nr. 81:

    Pentru workshop-ul de la Școala Gimnazială „Pia Brătianu”:

    International Conference “Philosophy for/with Children Inside and Outside of School”

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    People who want to participate in the conference as listeners will complete the Registration form and send it until October 25, 2022 at the address: 

    International Conference of Philosophy for/with Children

    “Philosophy for/with Children Inside and Outside of School”


    University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

    October 28 – 29, 2022


    Philosophy for/with Children (P4/wC) emerged in the 1970s as an educational program designed to encourage students to think for themselves. Through the efforts of philosophers and educators, P4/wC has spread to over 80 countries on all continents, being practiced at the moment both inside and outside of school. Suitably, new practices have developed, some continuing but others being quite different from the initial approach (Lipman et al.).

    This conference is an invitation to reflect on how all those concerned with P4/wC do philosophy in the classroom and/or other environments. The main objective of the conference is to question the practices of philosophy with/for children inside and outside of school, regardless of whether philosophy has or does not have a place in the curriculum and whether teachers and parents encourage or discourage children to think for themselves.

    The International Conference “Philosophy with/for Children inside and outside of school” will take place in Bucharest, Romania, on October 28 and 29, 2022, under the auspices of CIVIS.


    • Department of Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy
    • Center for Education in Philosophy


    • LIDILEM Laboratory (Laboratoire de linguistique et didactique des langues étrangères et maternelles), University of Grenoble-Alpes

    The working languages of the Conference are English, French, and Romanian.

    The conference will be in a hybrid format.

    The login links will be sent by e-mail to the registered people.



    • La philosophie avec les enfants et les adolescents: une double visée, démocratique et philosophique, MICHEL TOZZI, Honorary University Professor in Educational Sciences at the Paul-Valéry University of Montpellier. President of the People’s University in Narbonne
    • The role of moral problems and moral dilemmas in the Community of Philosophical Inquiry, FÉLIX GARCÍA MORIYÓN, Honorary professor of the Department of Specific Didactics of the Autonomous University of Madrid
    • La philosophie pour enfants: finalités, objectifs, démarches, FRANÇOIS GALICHET, Honorary Professor at the University of Strasbourg
    • Enjeux politiques et éthiques de la philosophie avec les enfants, EDWIGE CHIROUTER, University Professor, Philosophy of Education, University of Nantes. INSPE. CREN. Holder of the UNESCO Chair for “Philosophy Practices with Children: An Educative Basis for Intercultural Dialogue and Social Transformation”
    • Après 20 ans à mener des recherches sur la pratique du dialogue philosophique: quel bilan en tirer, quels défis à relever?, MATHIEU GAGNON, Professor at Department of Preschool and Primary Education, University of Sherbrooke (Québec)
    • Key questions for Philosophy with children – A philosophy didactical approach for teacher education, BETTINA BUSSMANN, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy KGW of the University of Salzburg
    • L’apport des chercheures pour l’animation de dialogues philosophiques dans la cité, ANDA FOURNEL, Teacher – Researcher at the Department of Language Sciences & LIDILEM Laboratory, Grenoble Alpes University / JEAN-PASCAL SIMON, Associate Professor at the Department of Language Sciences & LIDILEM Laboratory, Grenoble Alpes University
    • Beyond the confines of the usual speaking and of the usual thinking. Practicing philosophy with children using the philosophical classics as starting points, LUCA MORI, Ph.D., Lecturer of History of Philosophy at the University of Pisa, Degree Course in Sciences and techniques in clinical and health psychology
    • Comment sont traitées les questions des enfants eux-mêmes dans une école où la philosophie est absente ?, MARIN BĂLAN, Ph.D., Lecturer at the Department of Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy, The Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Director of the Center of Education in Philosophy


    • P4/wC practices and other philosophical practices
    • Practical philosophy and P4/wC
    • Challenges and possibilities in P4/wC inside and outside of school
    • P4/wC practices: European experiences
    • P4/wC practices: Romanian experiences
    • Pedagogical aspects of the P4/wC practices
    • The place and role of P4/wC practices in school (primary and secondary)
    • P4/wC practices in the public space (outside school)
    • Critical, creative, and caring thinking in P4/wC practices
    • P4/wC practices in the online version: advantages and disadvantages

    If you have study interests in P4/wC, we invite you to propose one presentation for one of these sessions.


    • Presentations will be scheduled for 30 minutes (including discussion).
    • A presentation can be given in English, French, or Romanian.
    • An author can propose only one presentation, but a presentation can have several authors; no extra time will be allocated for a contribution with several authors.
    • You can prepare a short PowerPoint presentation of the material.


    • Presentation proposals should have an abstract format.
    • All abstracts must be written in English, regardless of the language in which the presentation is given.
    • Your abstract should contain the following elements:
      • Theme/Topic proposed for exploration
      • Whether you intend to present in person or virtually
      • The title of your presentation
      • Abstract body (around 300 words)
      • Key-words: 4-5 words or phrases
    • Abstracts should be accompanied by a short CV, also including some details about the author(s):
    1. Full first and family name(s)
    2. Professional affiliation(s)
    3. City, country
    4. Contact details: e-mail address
    • Please prepare a variant for blind review, with all self-reference and personal data suppressed.
    • All documents (abstract, abstract variant for blind review, and CV) must be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.docx or .doc) only, via e-mail, to the e-mail address:

    Clarifications regarding the submission of abstracts

    1. Only proposals whose topics correspond to the theme of the conference are accepted.
    2. Every submission is checked for plagiarism before being sent for review.
    3. The organizers reserve the right to change the Theme/Topic under which the abstract was originally submitted.


    • Abstract submission deadline: September 20, 2022
    • Abstract submission will be open on September 1, 2022
    • Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection: October 5-10, 2022
    • The Conference schedule will be posted around October 20, 2022.
    • Listeners Registration (participating in the conference without presentation): October 23-25, 2022.
    • Conference Days: October 28-29, 2022


    Viorel Vizureanu (President), Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Romania

    Vihren Buzov, Professor, Vice-Rector for Quality Management and Accreditation, Head of Department of Philosophical Sciences, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

    Eugenia Bogatu, Associate Professor. Department of Philosophy and Anthropology, Faculty of History and Philosophy, State University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova

    Jean-Pascal SIMON, Associate Professor, Department of Language Sciences & LIDILEM Laboratory, Grenoble Alpes University, France

    Cristian Iftode, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Romania



    Marin Balan (Director), Ph.D., Lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Romania / Director of the Center for Education in Philosophy

    Anda Fournel, Ph.D., Teacher – Researcher, Department of Language Sciences & LIDILEM Laboratory, Grenoble Alpes University, France

    Lilian Ciachir, Scientific Collaborator and Coordinator of the activities and programs of the UNESCO Chair, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Romania


    Marin Bălan

    Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Romania


    • The activities of the conference will take place in a hybrid format.
    • The University of Bucharest does not cover any costs for participants.
    • The conference is not funded or sponsored.
    • No fee for participation.
    • Photography, video, or audio recording of the presentations and/or distribution of the Conference material is prohibited unless written permission has been acquired.

    Training-uri online gratuite studenti – Font-End Masterclass

    Anul acesta ne dorim sa venim si mai mult in sprijinul celor aflati la inceput de drum, indiferent de profilul si background-ul pe care il au.

    Asadar, ne-am propus sa ii ajutam pe tineri sa deprinda skill-uri digitale, esentiale indiferent de domeniul in care isi doresc sa profeseze si vom organiza Font-End Masterclass, 6 sesiuni de traininguri online gratuite pentru incepatori, prin intermediul carora participantii isi vor dezvolta o baza de cunostinte digitale, cu ajutorul mentorilor nostri.

    Specificul Codecool este de a pregati studentii cu profil non-tehnic, astfel, apelam la ajutorul dvs pentru a ne sprijini in acest demers si pentru a-i ajuta pe studenti sa afle despre aceasta oportunitate de a participa. Credem ca este o ocazie foarte buna pentru tineri sa ajunga in mod gratuit la informatii care le vor fi de folos in practica de zi cu zi si sa exerseze gandirea logica.

    Programul Font-End Masterclass poate fi vizualizat mai jos. Participantii care parcurg cu succes cele 6 sesiuni de training-uri vor primi certificate de participare. 

    Inscrierile se realizeaza prin completarea formularului de AICI, pana luni, 21 februarie 2022.

    Week 1 – Intro to HTML

    • 21 februarie – 6.00PM – 7.30PM | Ce este HTML și când îl utilizăm

    • 23 februarie – 6.00PM – 7.30PM | Cum construim un CV în HTML

    • 24 februarie – 6.00PM – 7.30PM | Ce soft skill-uri îți sunt necesare pentru a deveni programator

    Week 2 – Intro to CSS

    • 28 februarie – 6.00PM – 7.30PM | Elementele de bază în CSS

    • 2 martie – 6.00PM – 7.30PM | Fii creativ – adaugă un touch personal CV-ului

    • 3 martie – 6.00PM – 7.30PM | Care sunt următorii pași pentru o carieră în programare

    CfP: Hybrid Inclusive Approaches to the Medical Humanities Summer School Athens, May 25-28th, 2022

    CIVIS network, the University of Athens, the Autonomous University of Madrid, and the University of Bucharest are pleased to announce the launch of the hybrid Inclusive Approaches to the Medical Humanities, the first CIVIS summer school on medical humanities.

    Taking place in person in the ancient philosophers’ historic sites of Athens, from May 25th to May 28th, 2022, as well as online, this summer school welcomes undergraduate, Master, and PhD students from the fields of healthcare (medicine, dentistry, midwifery, nursing) and humanities (philosophy, history of medicine). Participants will learn to balance the scientific part of medicine with the humane and humanistic part of it through medical and health humanities concepts. Consequently, they will deepen the understanding of the current challenging problems within modern medical practice to enhance the doctor-patient relationship and diminish the burnout syndrome as students and future healthcare providers. 

    Speakers will offer specific lectures providing examples of applied medical humanities based on their expertise and experience. The tentative list of main subjects is:



    Stigma in Pandemics (Past-present-future)

    Historical point of view


    Marianna Karamanou (Athens)

    Jonathan McFarland (Madrid)

    Valentina Gazzaniga (Rome)

    Ourania Varsou (Glasgow)

    Accessing Bio-Medical Information Resources and Communicating in a Healthcare Setting

    Anamaria Nicola and Octavia Madge (Bucharest)

    Narrative Medicine

    Gavin Miller (Glasgow)

    Katja Herges (Tübingen)

    Lisa Kall (Stockholm)

    Current Ethical Challenges of Biomedical Research/Genome Editing

    Emanuel Socaciu and Constantin Vică (Bucharest)

    Garðar Árnason and Oliver Feeney (Tübingen)

    Metacognition in Medical Practice

    and Education

    Gabriela Florea and Ioan Mirea (Bucharest)


    For in-person participants:

    • 1 ECTS credit will be given for completing all planned learning activities and answering a questionnaire on the final day of the program.
    • The program will also include extracurricular activities such as visiting relevant sites for the history of medicine and philosophy in Athens.
    • CIVIS network will offer 20 mobility scholarships for partner universities’ participants (Aix-Marseille University, University of Bucharest, Free University of Brussels, Autonomous University of Madrid, Sapienza University of Rome, University of Stockholm, University of Tubingen).

    Also, online participation is limited to a certain number.

    All submissions, either for in-person or online participation, should be sent at no later than March 15th, 2022.

    Please include:

    • CV (including University affiliation, field, major, GPA, awards, recognition) – in English

    Short essay (2,000 words maximum) in which the applicant will offer a personal answer to the question “How are the medical humanities important to the 21st Century?” – in English