De Ziua Internaţională a Filosofiei, Springer Nature ne-a făcut bucuria apariţiei într-o revistă veche şi importantă pentru domeniul nostru, The Journal of Value Inquiry, a unui studiu pe care colegul nostru Cristian Iftode l-a scris împreună cu Alexandra Zorilă, Muriel Leuenberger și Constantin Vică. Este un follow-up la articolele pe care le-au publicat anul trecut despre autenticitate relațională (Cristian Iftode, Alexandra, Emilian, Constantin) și narativă (Muriel, Alexandra), în care criticau o tendință dominantă în bioetica ultimelor decenii: aceea de a înțelege autenticitatea doar ca pe o condiție necesară pentru autonomie, nu ca pe o valoare de sine stătătoare, cu straturi multiple de sens, unele dintre acestea având chiar potențialul de a intra în conflict cu dezideratul autonomiei agenților raționali.

Abstract. There are important voices in the field of contemporary bioethics calling for an understanding of authenticity as a necessary condition for the decisional autonomy of rational agents, rather than as a distinct moral concern. We agree that there are important views and dimensions of authenticity making it suitable for playing such a role. However, this paper focuses on the distinct features of authenticity that cannot be captured if one conceptualizes it purely as an autonomy-condition, and on the value they continue to play for our self-understanding. We provide reasons having to do with the history of autonomy and authenticity that speak in favor of the irreducible character of the ideal of authenticity in our culture. We discuss various recent accounts of relational autonomy that also seem to leave aside important features of relational authenticity and narrative identity. Then we investigate a number of cases and situations where people seem to choose authenticity over autonomy, or at least make it clear that ‘what is most our own’ is not necessarily what we reflectively or rationally endorse, as the autonomy perspective suggests.

Keywords: authenticity, (relational) autonomy, value, decision, critical reflection, alternative reasons, coherence, narrative identity

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