Acad. Mircea Dumitru, contribuție în volumul editat de Wilem de Vries și Marc Joseph dedicat dialogului filosofic dintre Wilfrid Sellars și Donald Davidson, care urmează să apară la prestigioasa editură Routledge
1. Sellars, Davidson, Meaning, and Rules Marc A. Joseph
2. Sellars and Davidson on Meaning-Matching Christopher Gauker
3. Does a Tarskian Theory of Truth offer a Theory of Meaning? A Sellarsian-Type Evaluation and Critique of Donald Davidson’s Truth-Conditional Semantics Mircea Dumitru
4. Who Needs You? Sellars and Davidson on the Social Character of Thought and Meaning Michael P. Wolf
5. Is the Mind-World Relation a Semantic Relationship? Sellars and Davidson on the Problem of Access Robin Beauté
6. Shadows in the Space of Reasons: Davidson and Sellars on Two Varieties of Knowledge Casey Doyle
7. Davidson and Sellars: Self-knowledge without Introspection Cristina Borgoni and Nicolas Cuevas-Alvear
8. Psychological Holism and Psychological Nominalism Graham Bounds
9. Davidson and Sellars: Ontology and Regulatives Elizabeth F. Cooke
10. Davidson, Sellars, and the Problem of Predication Willem A. deVries
11. Why Triangulation Needs Picturing (and Conversely): Towards a New Pragmatist Realism Carl B. Sachs
12. Davidson and Sellars on Animal Minds: Rationality and Normativity Gordon Brittan, Jr. and Preston Stovall
13. Can Humans Think and Reason? A Divinely Inspired Response to The Problem of Animal Rationality Marga Reimer
14. Sellars and Davidson on Expressivism and the Quest for Moral Objectivity Heath White