lalimoscovakremlinLAURENŢIU GHEORGHE

 Pentru Studenţi (For Students)

Curriculum Vitae

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Date of birth: 7 September 1976, Bucharest, Romania.




¨     teaching assistant at the University of Bucharest, the Chair of Political Philosophy and  Moral Philosophy,

¨     Ph.D. student in Political Philosophy at the University of Bucharest

¨     2005 Master’s Degree in European Studies and EU Law University of Bucharest

¨     2003 Master’s Degree in Political Philosophy at the Philosophy Department the University of Bucharest

¨      2002 BA in Moral and Political Philosophy  at the University of Bucharest.

¨     1995 graduated at the Computer Science High School


Academic Research:

¨     Member in the research team for „The Characteristics of the Romanian Political Culture: the influence of some cultural models and behavioral traditions over the functioning of the Romanian political institutions in transition” an World Bank sponsored research project coordinated by Adrian-Paul Iliescu professor at the Philosophy Department at University of Bucharest,  co-author of the study „Decision mechanisms in Romanian political organizations”

¨     Student of the Bucharest Invisible College an United States Embassy sponsored center for political research, involved in two research projects: „Political Elite Recruitment And Party Political Performance in Romania” and „The Bio-politics of Ethnic Power: Theory and Applications.”

¨       Published the article „Conflicts and institutions” in Sfera Politicii nr. 101/2003

¨       Published the article „Romania’s challenges towards EU integration” Sfera politicii nr. 110/111,  2004




Conferences, Seminaries and Summer Schools:

¨     Participant at the 2nd IWM Alumni International Summer School in Philosophy and Politics  organised  by  the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen din Viena, Cortona, Italia, August  2006

¨     Participant at the 10th IWM International Summer School in Philosophy and Politics „Challenges to Democracy” Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen din Viena, Cortona, Italia, July  2003

¨     participant at the Social Change Workshop for Graduate Students  Institute for Humane Studies,  University of Virginia, Charlottesvile, Virginia U.S.A. june 2003

¨     graduated the „Negotiation Ability Training” from the  PNUD ROM/00/02 Program for Consolidating Conflict Management and Analysis Capacity, financed by  UNDP and UN DESA, Romania, Bucureşti , may 2003

¨     participant at the „HerbstAkademie”  organized by the Institute for Social Sciences from Essen  Germany with the paper „Conflicts and Institutions”  Sibiu, Romania  October 2002

¨     participant of the Romania Society for Political Science Summer School an OSI /HESP sponsored program” Political parties , Elections, Democracy”  Tescani Romania June 2002

¨     „Think Tanks for a Civic Society” organised by German Marshall Fund, Krzyzowa, Poland,  December 2000

¨     Civic Education Project  Conference” Legacies and Challenges in Europe” Bucureşti,  Romania,

March 2001 with the paper „Corruption an evil or a blessing”

¨      Best Speaker’s Prize at Balkan Debate Forum Timişoara, Romania, May 2001

¨     „Quaker United Nations Organisation Summer School” Geneva, Switzerland, July 2001

¨      participant at the „The Basis of Liberalism” series of seminaries organised by Friderich Naumann  Foundation in collaboration with „Junge Liberale” Germany, Timişoara, Cluj-Napoca, Târgul Neamţ, Romania August 2001

¨     10th International Annual Anti-Corruption Conference organised  by Transparency International, Prague The Czech Republic  October 2001   with the paper „Privatisation, Corruption and Institutions in Romania”


Foreign languages:

¨     English (proficiency)

¨     French  (medium)

¨     Italian (medium)