Senior Lecturer Dr. Gabriel Vacariu
(except the first paragraph, this webpage is in English)
Personal webpage: Gabriel Vacariu in „EverybodyWiki”:

My personal blog:

Conf. univ. dr. Gabriel Vacariu este doctor al University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) din anul 2008 cu o teză despre Lumile Epistemologic Diferite. Contribuţia sa principală constă în dezvoltarea unei teorii complexe care oferă răspunsuri la problema minte-corp, cu aplicaţii specifice la biologie şi mecanica cuantică. Principalele rezultate ale cercetării au fost sintetizate recent în cartea sa din 2016, Illusions of Human Thinking (Springer Verlag). Gabriel Vacariu predă la Facultatea de Filosofie din 1997. În prezent, ţine cursuri de Filosofia minţii şi a ştiinţei cogniţiei, Teoria cunoaşterii ştiinţifice, precum şi Filosofie şi film.


(2004- 2007) Ph.D. student, University of New South Wales,School of Philosophy (Sydney, Australia); Title: Epistemologically Different Worlds (PDF)EIPRS and UIPA scholarships. The thesis was submitted at Graduate Centre, UNSW on 06.09.2007 and posted on the internet on 21.09.2007 and then on 29.04.2008 at The referees of the thesis: John Bickle (University of Cincinnati, USA), Rom Harre (Linacre College, Oxford, UK) and Ilie Parvu (University of Bucharest, Romania) [This thesis is 80% from the first book published in 2008; the main ideas regarding the EDWs perspective, the mind-brain problem, emergence problem, cognitive neuroscience, quantum mechanics vs. Einstein’s relativity from Springer’s book are in this thesis!]


Gabriel Vacariu, Mihai Vacariu and Dalia Terhesiu (2024), The Epistemologically Different Worlds (EDWs) Perspective: some articles and chapters 2002-2024, Editura Revistei Timpul

My book Epistemologically Different Worlds (2008, English) in Persian language (2024) has been translated by Ilqar Moazzenzade (Iran).  This book has been dedicated to Prof. Ilie Pârvu (Bucharest University) Covers, Content, Bibliography here

In two newspapers from Iran, there have been published two articles about my book 2008/2024 translated in Persian. (in attachment este pagina de ziar care poate fi postata la pagina mea) A clip about my book has been presented on a TV from Iran.

Gabriel Vacariu (October 12th 2024), “Re-thinking Einstein’ “simultaneity” without spacetime”, Revista Timpul (I have published the main ideas of this article in my previous works; however, I furnish more details about them)’_simultaneity_without_spacetime


Franzelo Tembo (Psychology, Malawi, Africa): the cover of Franzelo’s PhD thesis on Vacariu’s EDWs, 2024 July, with title “Psychology, Philosophy and the EDWs perspective: Vacariu’s EDWs Psychology (29th July, 2024)

RE-PUBLISHED my first five books (English) 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 at Editura Revistei Timpul (online) 2024, September

(2008) Gabriel Vacariu, Epistemologically Different Worlds (English) Editura Revistei Timpul (2024 September)

(2010), Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu, Mind, Life and Matter in the Hyperverse, Editura Revistei Timpul (2024 September)

(2011) Gabriel Vacariu, Being and the Hyperverse, Editura Revistei Timpul (2024 September)

(2012) Gabriel Vacariu, Cognitive neuroscience versus Epistemologically Different Worlds, Editura Revistei Timpul (2024 September)

(2014) Gabriel Vacariu, More Troubles with Cognitive Neuroscience. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and the Hyperverse, Editura Revistei Timpul (2024 September)

Gabriel Vacariu (September 7th, 2024), “Mental imagery/memory/mind versus eyes/brain/body within the ‘epistemologically different worlds’ (EDWs) perspective”,

Gabriel Vacariu (2024) “Life, organism/cells, and epistemologically different worlds (EDWs)”

Gabriel Vacariu (April 2024), “There are no physical laws”,

Gabriel Vacariu (2024), “Impresii despre ‘Oglinda’ lui Tarkovski”,

Gabriel Vacariu (2024) “Life, organism/cells, and epistemologically different worlds (EDWs)”


Patru romane de literatura publicate de Gabriel Vacariu:
1. Viața lui G. (Editura Litera 2019): Eroul „învie” după un accident grav, începând să se dedubleze în creațiile lui filosofice și științifice, dar și în Geamanu’ său.
2. Domnul G. între Infern și Paradis (Editura Revistei Timpul 2024): Eroul nostru își continuă viața pe Pământ, femeia devine complementară cu creațiile lui. Fiind cel care a mușcat cel mai mult din mărul cunoasterii, domnul G. are o discuție cu Diavolul și respectiv cu Dumnezeu.
3. Domnul G. pe Creasta Balaurului (Editura Revistei Timpul 2024): Ca pedeapsă pentru creațiile sale, domnul G. va avea de suportat o călătorie întunecată în Infern, care seîn încheie cu dedublarea eroului în Diavol.
4. Domnul G. în Turnul Babel (Editura Revistei Timpul 2024): Domnul G. ajunge și în Paradis, printre marii nemuritori (marii creatori) din Fizică, Filosofie, Literatură și Religie. El are discuții foarte controversate cu aceștia și, deși teoria lui neagă existența lui Dumnezeu, domnul G. încearcă să se dedubleze în Dumnezeu. Ceilalți creatori, dar și oamenii în general, nu pot accepta așa ceva; drept urmare, dl. G. va fi pedepsit.

[My four NOVELS (Romanian language) with Mr. G.:

  1. “G.’s life” (Editura Litera 2019)
  2. “Mr. G. between Inferno and Paradise” (Editura Revistei Timpul 2024)
  3. “Mr. G. on the Crest of the Dragon” (Editura Revistei Timpul 2024)
  4. “Mr. G. in Tower of Babel” (Editura Revistei Timpul 2024)

[5. “Mr. G. in Hypernothing” – not written yet]

Each novel/story can be read without the need to read the others. However, between all these four novels/stories there is a hyper-link:

  1. Mr. G. resurrects after a very serious accident; then, he “doubles” (a) in his philosophical and scientific (physics and cognitive neuroscience) creations (b) in his twin brother.
  2. Mr. G. continues his life on Earth. He continues identifying with his philosophical and scientific approaches, but he doubles (in a complementary way) in women. Moreover, being the greatest creator on Earth until now (biting mostly from the apple of knowledge), Mr. G. tries to talk to Devil and God.
  3. Because of his philosophical approach and tis applications in different sciences, Mr. G. is sent to Inferno. He has a very dark adventure in “underground” which end, in the end, with his doubling in Devil.
  4. Mr. G. reaches the Paradise among the greatest immortal creators (Physics, Philosophy, Literature, Religion), but because of his philosophical paradigm, he has great disputes with all these immortals. Even if, his paradigm denies the existence of God, Mr. G. tries something paradoxically: he doubles in God, he tries to take God’s place. All other great immortals and humans in general cannot accept this fact. Therefore, Mr. G. is punished by them.]

Cadrul teoretic în interiorul căruia vom analiza câteva dintre cele mai importante opere de artă create de Tarkovski, Wong, Puiu şi Brâncuşi este circumscris de cele trei concepte care alcătuiesc, în fapt, și titlul volumului de față: „Fiinţă”, „dedublare” şi „eterna reîntoarcere”. Privindu-le, inevitabil, prin filtrul subiectivității, vom tatona cu acest prilej terenul semnificațiilor pe care acestea le pot purta.
În această lucrare, vom analiza:

  • Capitol 1: Ultimele trei filme ale marelui regizor rus, Andrei Tarkovski: Călăuza, Nostalghia şi Sacrificiul. Vom discuta despre „eterna reîntoarcere” la regizorul rus (în opoziţie cu Friedrich Nietzsche, cel care a declarat oficial, în secolul al XIX-lea, că „Dumnezeu a murit” şi în relaţie cu scrierea lui Mircea Eliade pe această temă).
  • Capitolul 2: Două filme ale lui Wong Karwai, In the mood for love şi 2046, ideea principală pe care o urmărim fiind „singurătatea/ alienarea individului” dată de lipsa de iubire în In the mood for love (scene din film) şi 2046
  • Capitolul 3: Cristi Puiu şi filmul său, Sieranevada (cel mai bun film românesc); considerăm că regizorul Cristi Puiu a surprins foarte bine lipsa de „identitate la români” în acest film extraordinar.
  • Capitolul 4: Constantin Brâncuşi şi Ansamblul de la Târgu Jiu (pe care noi îl considerăm cea mai mare operă de artă din istoria umanităţii). Sculptorul roman a încercat, prin creaţiile sale, să atingă „adevărul absolut” şi o reîntoarcere (măcar aparentă) la Paradisul pierdut cândva prin crearea de opere de artă care redau „esenţa/adevărul”. Brâncuşi a fost credincios, deci, până la urmă, „adevărul absolut” era, pentru el, chiar Dumnezeu. Dar şi alţi artişti (Andrei Tarkovski şi Cristi Puiu, de exemplu) au fost credincioşi, ca atare, şi aceştia au regăsit „adevărul absolut” în „credinţa” pe care o aveau în „existenţa lui Dumnezeu”.

I call this book Hypermetaphysics just because it is not about the metaphysics of “world”/Universe, it is not even about the metaphysics of EDWs (“epistemologically different worlds”), but mainly about the hypercorrespondences between the EW0 (Hypernothing) and the EW1a-n (these EDWs being the first EDWs which appeared in hypercorrespondences to the EW0). This hypermetaphysics involves the main notion of this book: the EW0 (or the “Hypernothing”) which does not have any ontology but a hyperontology which hypercorresponded to the first EDWs that appeared in the hypercorrespondences to the EW0. „Content here”

[link pentru document separat] “Content here”



    1. EDWs, the Hypernothing (EW0) and Physics

Chapter 1 The principles of “epistemologically different worlds” perspective

1.1 The principles concerning existence and interactions of objects

1.2 Epistemologically Different Worlds (EDWs)

1.3 The chains of EDWs

Chapter 2 The “Big Bang” (from actual Physics) versus Hypermetaphysics: the EDWs

perspective regarding the accidental appearances of the first EDWs (the EW1a-n) in

hypercorrespondences to Hypernothing (the EW0)

2.1 The history of “Universe” in Cosmology today

2.2 Classification of (hyper)correspondences

2.3 The rejection of “antimatter”

2.4 More details about electromagnetic field (the field-EW)

2.5 More details about special theory of relativity

2.6 More details about general theory of relativity

Chapter 3 More details about Hypernothing and its hyperontology

3.1 Hypernothing (epistemologically different then “something” and “nothing”)

3.2 The principles of hyperontology of Hypernothing

3.3 More details about the accidental appearances of the EW1a-n in

hypercorrespondences to the EW0

Chapter 4 Friedman’s “relativized a priori” and “change of paradigms in science” versus EDWs

4.1 Geometry and Physics: relativized a priori for Newton/Kant, Helmholtz, Poincare and Einstein

4.2 The change of paradigm in scientific knowledge: Cassirer, Carnap versus Meyerson and Kuhn

    1. “Antireductionism” under the Umbrella of Epistemology/lLanguage

within the Unicorn World

Chapter 5 Few words about Gell-Mann’s “antireductionism”

Chapter 6 Dual aspect theory (Spinoza-Velmans) versus the EDWs perspective

6.1 Velmans’ Understanding consciousness (2000)

6.2 Velmans’ article 2008 (Journal of Consciousness Studies, 15 (2), pp. 5-50)

6.3 My view consciousness in few words

Chapter 7 Heil’s “Real tables” or “linguistic disease” in the philosophy/sciences of the

20th century

III. Paradigms and Revolutions

Chapter 8 Kuhn’s “paradigms” and the EDWs hyper-paradigm

Conclusion The EDWs perspective and some truths


  • Gabriel Vacariu (2023), “Few words about Al-Khalili Jim’s book (2020) (The World According to Physics, Princeton University Press) and my EDWs”, FREE at’s_book_2020_The_World_According_to_Physics_Princeton_University_Press_and_my_EDWs

My book at Springer (Germany) Illusions of Human Thinking (2016) downloads

April 2019 English 4409 + Germany 10178 = 14,587

March 2019 English 4346 + Germany 10023 = 14,369

July 2018, on „Advanced Search found 228 papers containing “vacariu” ” ‘

A page realized by somebody from Jaipur, Rajasthan (India) about me:

My personal webpages:

Videoclips with Gabriel Vacariu:
A clip about the EDWs (mind-brain, quantum mechanics, Einstein vs. quantum mechanics, life, emergence, etc.) here:

Contact: gvacariu [at]


the book on Metaphysics (2018) is classified on place 4th here Discover Ontology Books (

All Since 2019
Citations 482 250
h-index 11 7
i10-index 14 4


  • (2020) Gabriel Vacariu, Mihai Vacariu, Physics overwritten in a new perspective: „Epistemologically Different Worlds, Meridiane Print, ISBN 978-606-9667-05-7 „Cover, Content and Introduction (2020)

„11th World Gene Convention (WGC) May 16-18, 2022 / Osaka, Japan
Invitation Letter
Dear Dr. Gabriel Vacariu,
With the progress of global vaccination, we have great confidence to launch the World Gene Convention, which will be held in Osaka, Japan during May 16-18, 2022. On behalf of committee and based upon your outstanding contribution in this field, we cordially welcome you to deliver a presentation as Speaker/Chair at Session 5-9:Neurobiology and Neuroscience regarding your recent work on EDWs and Cognitive Neuroscience.
The World Gene Convention (WGC), initiated from 2010, has been successfully organized 10 times in previous 10 years and has attracted more than 5,000 participants from over 50 countries and regions. WGC-2022 features a very strong technical program, mainly focused on: breakthroughs in gene, advances genomics & genetics, new research of DNA and RNA, the frontier research of life sciences, new biotherapy discovery, emerging areas for medicine applications, robust technology development, and cutting-edge Biotechnology. It aims to provide a platform for all experts from academia and industry to discuss latest researches and achievements. Attendees will hear world-class speakers discussing the challenges and opportunities facing the gene, biotechnology and life sciences field. The business & academic experts who are from home and abroad will give excellent speeches. Based on the huge success of last events, we are strongly confident WGC-2022 will be a great success and meet our expectations. For more detail, please visit website: WGC2022
Meanwhile, Osaka is Japan’s second largest metropolitan area after Tokyo. It has been the economic powerhouse of the Kansai Region for many centuries. Osaka is one of the most picturesque cities in Asia, and it has become a popular tourist destination. In addition to the amazing conference, we believe that you will have a memorable experience with local culture.
Look forward to hear from you soon.
Sincerely yours
Ms. Alma Yang
Organizing Committee of WGC-2022
  • I have been invited to hold an online presentation about my approach (EDWs perspective and its applications) by a physicist from Bangladesh. I received this email from him (01.09.2020):

„Dear professor, I’m Dr. Pretam Kumar Das, associate professor and chairman at the department of Physics, Pabna University of Science and Technology, Pabna, Bangladesh. I’ve completed my Ph.D. from Okayama University, Japan. I’m also working as a collaborator with Dr. Prasanta Kumar Datta, Professor, IIT kharagpur, India. Last year I visited TIFR and SINP laboratory in India. Hope you and your family are well and safe from corona pandemic. I’m also trying my best to keep safe from corona pandemic. Our department has started online classes and a webinar for students. I’m requesting you from my department to give us a webinar session for basic physics for encouraging the students. I’ve attached the posters of some upcoming webinars of our department. Please take it. If you give me the title and fix the date and time, then I’ll make the poster for you to inform students. The program will go live through facebook page ( I’ve given the links of our previous webinar on physics. Please take these. Youtube Link: Regards Pretam”

  • (2020) Interview with Pretam Kumar Das: “Gabriel Vacariu– EDWs mind brain, quantum mechanics, dark matter, emergence, life, etc.”, (Pretam Kumar Das, associate professor and chairman at the department of Physics, Pabna University of Science and Technology, Pabna, Bangladesh; with Ph.D. from Okayama University, Japan).

Some of the previous speakers: Ed Lukovich (Calagry, Alberta, Canada), Valerio Boci (CERN + Italy), Kazuo Tanaka (Japan), Paolo Saluci (Trieste, Italy), John Ellis (King’s College London, Cambridge!), Valerie Domcke (CERN, Geneva), Thad Roberts (Utah, USA) [I mention that all other presentations have been realized only by Physicists!! I am the only Philosopher who will hold a presentation on this web!!!!]

My presentation is here:
  • May, 11th, 2021: My presentation at Department of Physics, Pabna University, Bangladesh: The Entire Physics Re-written Within a new Paradigm of Thinking: The Epistemologically Different Worlds (EDWs)”
  • One student at Philosophy, Master Degree (Italy) has already started to work and write his thesis on Gabriel Vacariu’s perspective (the EDWs)!! (Those who have plagiarized Gabriel Vacariu’s ideas have no chances!!)
  • Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu (2020) „Rethinking ‘dark matter’ within the epistemologically different worlds (EDWs) perspective”, in Cosmology 2020 – The Current State, (ed) Michael Smith (CEO, IntechOpen, United Kingdom) [Gabriel and Mihai Vacariu’s chapter is about one of the most important topics in Cosmology today! Moreover, their chapter is the only one written by philosophers, all the other chapters of this book are written by Physicists!!!]
  • Professor Dr. Gabriel Vacariu: A Genius Psychological Physicist”, at
  • (2019) Mihai si Gabriel Vacariu, Viata lui G. (G’s life), Litera publishing company [our first NOVEL], („Despre ‘Viața lui G.’ Mihai și Gabriel Vacariu în presa din România„)
  • (2019) GabrielVacariu and Mihai Vacariu, The Metaphysics of Epistemologically Different Worlds: “Hypothesis non fingo!”, (Table of categories, Hypernothing, and three “empty words”: nothing, infinity, God), Datagroup

In our previous works (an article at Synthese (USA) 2005 and a book at Springer (2015), for instance) we have replaced the empty notion of “world” or “Universe” with the “epistemologically different worlds” (EDWs) (the macro-EW, the micro-EW, the wave-EW, the mind-EW, etc.). Discovering the existence of EDWs, we introduced a new paradigm of thinking for solving great problems in Physics, Cognitive Neuroscience and Philosophy. This book refers to the metaphysics of the EDWs with a list of “principles” and a “table of categories”. We furnish more arguments why the space and time (spacetime) cannot have any ontological background. Also, we argue that the notions like “nothing”, “infinity” and “God” are just “empty concepts” (i.e., they do not denote any ontological entities that really exists)! The Metaphysics of Epistemologically Different Worlds

  • (2017) Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu,From Hypernothing to Hyperverse: EDWs, Hypernothing, Wave and Particle, Elementary Particles, Thermodynamics, and Einstein’s Relativity Without “Spacetime”, Datagroup   Over the last two centuries, the relationship between philosophy and science has completely broken down, so the question we are confronted with is: How can we develop a new philosophy, which will influence science decisively? The physicists of the last century rejected their contemporary philosophy. They considered that “philosophy today is dead” (Hawking and Mlodinow 2010 ). However, we believe that the great scientific problems are always philosophical, and only philosophical problems. Therefore, these problems can be solved only by philosophers and scientists who operate at the greatest level of thinking: that of the “paradigm of thinking”. In fact, these great scientific problems can usually be solved by changing the “paradigm of thinking” for scientists. This book furnished more applications of the “epistemologically different worlds” (that replaced the “world”/”universe” – in their previous books (2008, 2010, 2011, etc.), the authors indicated that the notion of the world/universe is wrong). Following Aristotle’s “Prime Mover” (or the “Unmoved Mover”), we stop the regress ad infinitum by discovering the first EW, the EW0 (the Hypernothing). Even if one EW does not exist for any EDW, the Hypernothing was the first EW and all other EDWs correspond to the EW0. Chapter 2 is about the “Hypernothing”. The other chapters continue our works of applying the EDWs to different concepts/areas of Physics: quantum mechanics, elementary particles, thermodynamics (with its main notion, “entropy”), etc. In the last chapter, knowing that Einstein’s special and general theory of relativity are very correct (but in a book 2016 we showed that “spacetime” cannot ontologically exist), we re-write both theories without “spacetime”.

Content, Introduction and Chapter 1 FREE here:

April 2019 English 4409 + Germany 10178 = 14,587

March 2019 English 4346 + Germany 10023 = 14,369

  • (April 2018) about my page: ‘You’re now in the top 0.1% of researchers on Academia by 30-day views!’
    [The percent refers to the place regarding Access/Download of my papers: it is in the first first 0.1% !!!

(Chapter 1, the non-living entities (objects) that belong to EDWs; Chapter 2, the living beings (each living being is an EW); Chapter 3, the general view of the EDWs perspective) and its main applications to the main philosophical and scientific areas: Chapter 4, philosophy of mind (Descartes’ dualism, levels, reductionism and emergence, qualia, Kant and the “I”); Chapter 5, cognitive science (computationalism and dynamical systems, declarative-procedural, accessible-inaccessible, conscious-unconscious, conceptual- sensorimotor, symbolic-subsymbolic, and explicit-implicit, levels, representations, bidirectionality, threshold etc.); Chapter 6, cognitive neuroscience (optimism and its amazing results (Gallant’s laboratory) and skepticism (Uttal, Raichle’s “default network”), the localization problem, the binding problems (the main approach, oscillations or synchrony theory), multisensory integration, perception and object recognition); Chapter 7 biology (life and the organism/cell); Chapter 8, physics (Einstein’s theory of special and general relativity, quantum mechanics (non-locality or entanglement, the measurement problem, superposition), the relationship between these two theories). In the conclusion, I will explain why I consider that scientists from cognitive (neuro)science, biology and physics need to change the framework within which they work (the unicorn world) with the new “Weltanschauung”, the EDWs perspective.

  • Is Cognitive Neuroscience a pseudo-science?„, Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu (published August 2015), Datagroup publishing house.
    Is cognitive neuroscience a pseudoscience?, Gabriel Vacariu, Mihai Vacariu –
    Gabriel Vacariu (2014) Epistemologically different worlds – The new paradigm of thinking, Datagroup int srl. (This book is the same published by SPRINGER) (See the Content here) (It was published in Romanian in November 2014.)
  • On the second cover of this book, some words (in English) about this book from William Bechtel (USA), John Bickle (USA), Eliezer Torres (Mexico), Rom Harre (Great Britain and USA), Ilie Parvu (Romania), Mohsen Aghaei (Iran), and Philip Cam (Australia) [aici aveti copertile in limba romana]

„Blurb” for a book (Lexington Books): 

The editor of Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield, USA) asked me for a „blurb” (advertising) of one of their book: the author: Sam Rakover (Psychology, Haifa University, Israel). There are three blurbs. See my words („blurb”) for the book at „Reviews”, this address:

My blurb is the following one: „Knowing that Sam Rakover is a psychologist, his ‘dual methodology’ and ‘multi-explanation framework’ that appear in this book can be considered as an essential epistemological step toward an overall explanation of the realities (‘epistemological ontologies’) of mind and brain (i.e., my ‘epistemologically different worlds’ perspective).
— Gabriel Vacariu, Bucharest University, author of Illusions of Human Thinking

ROWMAN&LITTLEFIELD (USA)   – Lexington Books, the cover of book:

Reviewer and Editor

  • (2013) Reviewer at Synthese – An International Journal for Epistemology, Methodology and Philosophy of Science(USA)
     (2015), Reviewer at MIT Press (USA)
  • Editor

Other my PUBLICATIONS here:

EDWs perspective:

  • (04.12.2013) Presentation„The world vs. epistemologically different worlds”, Department of Philosophy, Bucharest University. See this presentation on Youtube: Part 1 and Part 2.In this clip, I present my
  • Hobby: analyzing Andrei Tarkovsky’s movies, climbing the mountains (especially in winter), swimming, playing soccer, and leading political electoral campaigns.
  • Some students and even physicists of Physics, Cognitive Neuroscience and Philosophy from France, Pakistan, India, etc. asked me to be their supervisor…

Contact: gvacariu [at]



 My books (covers)

Gabriel Vacariu (2023), Books: only covers and contents ;

Gabriel Vacariu (2023) Bibliography my books (2023-2008) ;

FREE aici:

Editor of issues

(2013) Gabriel Vacaru and Mihai Vacariu (eds.), “The mind-body problem in cognitive neuroscience”, Philosophia Scientiae 17/2 (Nancy-Universite/France). Authors of this issue: William Bechtel, Rolls T. Edmund, Cees van Leeuwen, Kari Theurer and John Bickle, Bernard Andrieu, Corey Maley and Gualtiero Piccinini, Paula Droege, and Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu. Abstracts of all articles (pdf) 

(2001) M. Vacariu, E. T. Rolls, G. Vacariu, (eds), “Representations”, Synthese 129/2 (Kluwer, Boston) (ISI) Authors of this issue: Edmund T. Rolls (Oxford University); Kim Plunkett (Oxford University); Peter Mcleod (Oxford University), David Plaut and Tim Shallice; K. Rantala (University of Tampere); Michael Wheeler (Oxford University); Radu Bogdan (Tulaine University); Ilie Parvu (Bucharest University); Gabriel Vacariu, Dalia Terhesiu and Mihai Vacariu (

Books (The contents of my books here: “My books contents“) (On Amazon my last books )

FREE aici:

  • (2020) Gabriel Vacariu, Mihai Vacariu, Physics overwritten in a new perspective: „Epistemologically Different Worlds, Meridiane Print, ISBN 978-606-9667-05-7 „Cover, Content and Introduction (2020)
  • (2019) Mihai si Gabriel Vacariu, Viata lui G. (G’s life)
  • (2019) Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu, The Metaphysics of Epistemologically Different Worlds: “Hypothesis non fingo!”, (Table of categories, Hypernothing, and three “empty words”: nothing, infinity, God), Datagroup
  • Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu (2017)From Hypernothing to Hyperverse: EDWs, Hypernothing, Wave and Particle, Elementary Particles, Thermodynamics, and Einstein’s Relativity Without “Spacetime”, Datagroup-Int S.R.L. Over the last two centuries, the relationship between philosophy and science has completely broken down, so the question we are confronted with is: How can we develop a new philosophy, which will influence science decisively? The physicists of the last century rejected their contemporary philosophy. They considered that “philosophy today is dead” (Hawking and Mlodinow 2010 ). However, we believe that the great scientific problems are always philosophical, and only philosophical problems. Therefore, these problems can be solved only by philosophers and scientists who operate at the greatest level of thinking: that of the “paradigm of thinking”. In fact, these great scientific problems can usually be solved by changing the “paradigm of thinking” for scientists.This book furnished more applications of the “epistemologically different worlds” (that replaced the “world”/”universe” – in their previous books (2008, 2010, 2011, etc.), the authors indicated that the notion of the world/universe is wrong). Following Aristotle’s “Prime Mover” (or the “Unmoved Mover”), we stop the regress ad infinitum by discovering the first EW, the EW0 (the Hypernothing). Even if one EW does not exist for any EDW, the Hypernothing was the first EW and all other EDWs correspond to the EW0. Chapter 2 is about the “Hypernothing”. The other chapters continue our works of applying the EDWs to different concepts/areas of Physics: quantum mechanics, elementary particles, thermodynamics (with its main notion, “entropy”), etc. In the last chapter, knowing that Einstein’s special and general theory of relativity are very correct (but in a book 2016 we showed that “spacetime” cannot ontologically exist), we re-write both theories without “spacetime”.

Content, Introduction and Chapter 1 FREE at this page:

  • (2017) Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu, Self as an Epistemological World, Datagroup-Int, S.R.L (published in Romanian in 2016)   

In this book, we furnish a completely new alternative to the notion of “self” within the perspective of “epistemologically different worlds” (EDWs). Within this new perspective about the “self”, we investigate some authors from philosophy and cognitive neuroscience like Gallagher, Zahavi, Klein, Metzinger, Dainton, Raichle, Llinas, etc. and particular related topics like the sense of agency, the rubber hand illusion, the body illusion and self versus (parts of) the brain/body, the corresponding default network, etc. According to the EDWs perspective, the “self” is an epistemologically world while the brain and the body belong to an epistemologically different world, the macro-EW (all the bodies and the macro-objects like table, chair, car, etc.). An essential principle of EDWs perspective is that an EW does not exist for any EDW. Therefore, the self (as an EW) does not exist for the brain/body (placed within the “external world”), the brain/body does not exist for the “I”. Both the self and the brain/body really exist but in EDWs.

  • (2016 English and Germany) Gabriel Vacariu – Illusions of Human Thinking: on concepts of Mind, Reality, and Universe in Psychology, Neuroscience and Physics, Springer Publishing Company [A very bad news for people who have plagiarized my ideas…] 

“Illusions of Human Thinking” es la idea del genio del autor Gabriel Vacariu publicado el 2015-10-19 al género del libro Philosophy que se llevará a su imaginación y añadir perspicacia. … Autor Gabriel Vacariu es fantástico en la organización de todos los detalles de los contenidos del libro que tiene la cantidad de papel tanto como 188 es el publicado por un libro confiable y bien conocido de Springer.“Illusions of Human Thinking” is the idea of genius author Gabriel Vacariu published on 19.10.2015 the genre of the book Philosophy that will take your imagination and add insight. … Author Gabriel Vacariu is fantastic in organizing all the details of the contents of the book that has the amount of paper as much as 188 is published by a reliable and well-known publishing book Springer.”“… einen interessanten Versuch, einen neuen Zugang zu Psychologie, den Neurowissenschaften und der Quantenphysik zu finden ohne dabei in Widersprüche zu geraten. Obwohl an ein breiteres Publikum gewandt, sind philosophische Grundkenntnisse bei der Lektüre hilfreich.” Karl Schäfer, in:, 17. August 2016] [“… an interesting attempt to find a new approach to psychology, neurosciences, and quantum physics without getting into contradictions. Although a wider public is approaching, basic philosophical knowledge is helpful in reading.” (Karl Schäfer, in:, 17. August 2016)]. The manuscript was send to Springer’s team in 2014 and the book has been published in November 2015.

Dark matter and dark energy. Two notions that have troubled cosmologists for a long time. Why? Because they don’t have a “satisfactory” definition, and nobody can identify the “matter” or “forces” that govern them. Currently, we can only deduce the existence of these two notions from the strange movement of the galaxies and the manner they move away from one another, with increasing speed. However, these are not the only mysteries that cosmology cannot yet explain. What happened before the Big Bang? Is the universe still expanding (cosmic inflation)? What is the relation between the theory of relativity and the laws of quantum mechanics? What if the answers to all these questions were far more accessible than researchers thought? What if the real “culprit” for their absence was in fact the framework used by cosmologists, a framework that involves the existence of space and time? With the help of the Epistemologically Different Worlds paradigm, Gabriel and Mihai Vacariu aim to offer an answer to all these questions and many others.

Where is our inner self localized? Can the complexity of the human being be reduced to a pattern of neurons? Why nobody have found solutions to the main problems (localization, the binding problem, multisensory integration, etc.) of cognitive neuroscience? Here are just a few of the questions that have been puzzling cognitive neuroscience researchers for decades. These questions, along with many others, will find no answer in this book. Why? Because the wrong questions will never yield the right answers. What Gabriel and Mihai Vacariu’s book offers is not just a way of avoiding the traps of cognitive neuroscience, but a new framework, a way for researchers and amateurs alike to finally search for the truth.

“This book is a synthesis of all our works on cognitive neuroscience since 2008 to 2015. Within the “epistemologically different worlds” perspective, we investigate the main topics of cognitive neuroscience: fMRI and EEG, localization, the binding problem, perception, multisensory integration, holism and default mode network. Our main question is “Why none of these problems has been solved after many years of research?”. Our answer is that these problems are in fact pseudo-problems. We present the optimism research (Gallant’s laboratory works, for instance) versus the skepticism framework (Uttal, for instance). “Correlation” the main notion in cognitive neuroscience, has no ontology background and there are no “laws” in this area. In this context, we conclude that, without an ontological background, cognitive neuroscience is a pseudoscience.”


In this book, I points out more troubles with cognitive neuroscience: spatial cognition, the best achievements in cognitive neuroscience in the last 3 years (the fMRI experiments of Gallant’s team), multisensory integration, endogenous brain activity, default network, and the relationship between micro-neuronal level, macro-neuronal level, oscillations and cognition. In the book “Cognitive neuroscience versus epistemologically different worlds” (2012), I investigated some important problems of cognitive neuroscience. (see below) The general conclusion of these two works is that cognitive neuroscience is a pseudo-science. In the last chapter of this book (2014), with my EDWs perspective, I furnish the (hyper)ontological status of Einstein’s (special and general) theory of relativity. (Appendix: “Did Markus Gabriel (Bonn University) plagiarize my ideas?”)

  • (2012) Gabriel Vacariu, Cognitive neuroscience versus epistemologically different worlds,University of Bucharest Press, 356 pages, 120,000 words. (full text PDF)
    From the “epistemologically different worlds” perspective, I analyze the status of cognitive neuroscience today. I investigate the main actual topics in cognitive neuroscience: localization and the brain imaging, the binding problem (Treisman’s feature integration theory and synchronized oscillations approach), differentation and integration, optimism versus skepticism approaches, perception and object recognition, space and the mind, crossmodal interactions, and the holistic view against localization. The conclusion is that this “science” has “No ontology landscape” and, therefore, cognitive neuroscience is a pseudo-science.
  • (2011) Gabriel Vacariu, Being and the Hypervese, (In English), University of Bucharest Press, 50,000 words. Full text (PDF) and Abstract (DOCX)
    It is about the pure theoretical system of EDWs (almost without applications to any particular sciences – cognitive science, physics or biology). I constructed the conditions of the possibility for any EDWs (that exist or possible to exist) given by 13 propositions that represent the axiomatic-hyperontological framework in 13 parts. In general, these propositions refer to the abstract entities andtheir interactions. Being is the only entity that is an epistemological world. In this short book, I deal with the hyperontology of the hyperverse, no more or less than “pure philosophy”.
  • (2010)Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu“Mind, Life and Matter in the Hyperverse”, (PDF, published version, in English), University of Bucharest Press, 95,000 words.
    Hyperverse (epistemologically different worlds) vs. “unicorn world” and the application of the EDWs perspective to: neuroscience (Llinas) and cognitive neuroscience (Frith), robotics (Andy Clark and Noe), Descartes’ ghost (Grush and Michael Wheleer), Bechtel’s mechanisms, Bickle’s molecules and cells, Kauffman’s “complexity” in biology, physics (particles and waves, gravity and Einstein, quantum mechanics, the superstring theory or hyperspace vs. the hyperverse).
  • (2008Gabriel Vacariu, Epistemologically Different Worlds, full text PDF (2008) Epistemologically different worlds(published version, PDF, in English) University of Bucharest Press,
    110,000 words

Descartes, Kant, “epistemologically different worlds” perspective and its applications to: (1) philosophy of mind (levels, reductionism, emergence, qualia, the “I”, mental causation, supervenience); (2) cognitive science (computationalism, connectionism, dynamical system approach, robotics, representation, levels, declarative-procedural, accessible-inaccessible, conscious-unconscious, conceptual-sensorimotor, symbolic-subsymbolic, and explicit-implicit knowledge, thresholds, self-organization, etc.) (3) philosophy (logical positivism, Carnap’s linguistic frameworks, Quine, Goodman, Putnam, Friedman) (4) physics (quantum mechanics: superposition, entanglement, nonlocality and nonseparability, levels, collapse, measurement problem, Young’s experiment and Wheelers’ delayed-choice experiment, Feynman’s “sum over histories” framework, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Schrödinger’s cat, decoherence and the multiverse approach)

Book Editor

Articles published (some ISI and ERIH)

(2022) Nima Rezaei, Amene Saghazadeh, Alejandro Salado, Amine Harbi, Ana Itzel Casarrubias-Jaimez, Carlo Brentari, Christian Hugo Hoffmann, Christopher A. Haines, Cristiane Maria Cornelia Gottschalk, Dustin Hellberg, Eva Reyes-Gacitúa, Fernando Ramos-Quintana, Gabriel Vacariu, Giuseppe Zollo, Grace Anywar, Harah Chon, Helen Kopnina, Jude Likori, Julio Juan Ruiz, Khasankhonova Nodira Isametdinovna, Kim Poldner, Leander Penaso Marquez, Louise Mackenzie, Luca Iandoli, Marco Toscano, María Antonia González Valerio, Mark Reybrouck, Marko Pajević, Mauro Scalercio, Mihai Vacariu, Mirko Di Bernardo, Paola Lopreiato, Patricia Olga Caratozzolo Martelliti, Reto Gubelmann, Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo, Rogelio Jiménez Marce, Ryota Ono, Sergey Horujy, Stefania Achella, Stephen Spain, Tamás Lajtner, Trevor J. Tebbs, Ulrich Richter, and Wojciech Krysztofiak: “Thinking 2050: Bioengineering of Science and Art” (Chapter 36) in Thinking: Bioengineering of Science and Art, Nima Rezeai and Amene Saghazadeh (editors), Springer Nature Switzerland AG

Abstract: In few words, we present the main actual problems of cognitive neuroscience: the binding problem, localization, differentiation-integration in the brain, the troubles created by the brain imaging, and optimism vs. skepticism in cognitive neuroscience. Surprisingly, even if there are more and more experimental results in recent years, we notice no real hope for solving these troubles in the future. Cognitive neuroscience is a science constructed on ‘correlations’ between mental and neuronal states, mainly furnished by the brain imaging – fMRI of the last two decades. We want to suggest that “correlation” lacks any ontological background. In this context, we have to answer the following question: Is cognitive neuroscience a real science or a kind of ‘new engineering’?”

(Except 5 and 10, all my articles are published in English.)

Other my PUBLICATIONS here:


About two of my books in Ziarul Financiar:

An interview (in Romanian) about my EDWs perspective with Alexandru Valentin Craciun at (or here: De la „Lumea inorogului” la „Lumile Epistemologic Diferite”)

People (some, famous philosophers) about my ideas + quotation of my works

William Bechtel (in 2014)“Vacariu advances a novel and challenging perspective from which to view modern sciences ranging from physics to cognitive neuroscience. At its core is the perspective of epistemologically different worlds. On Vacariu’s analysis, entities such as mental and physical phenomena, which many of us struggle to relate, do not belong to the same world-indeed, that world does not exist! This book is filled with probing discussions that will challenge nearly everyone.” [William Bechtel, Distinguished Professor Department of Philosophy, Center for Circadian Biology, and Interdisciplinary Program in Cognitive Science University of California, San Diego, USA]

John Bickle (in 2007): “This is novel and innovative work. It is philosophy in the grand synoptic style – influenced and aware of contemporary science, but not beholden to it. Epistemologically different worlds may be a tool for untying many current philosophical knots.” [John Bickle, Philosophy and Religion, Mississippi State University, USA]

Rom Harre (2007): “Gabriel Vacariu tackles a long standing assumption of Western thought – that there is only one world. Through a series of ingenious arguments the author shows that by making used of the distinctness of observational conditions, the pretensions of neuroscience to unify psychology is deeply flawed. This is a bold project and the author brings not only a high degree of philosophical sophistication to the task, but also a wide and deep knowledge of various sciences which inform his analysis of the many forms taken by the Unitarian claim.” [Rom Harre, Emeritus Fellow, Linacre College, Oxford (Great Britain) Distinguished Research Professor Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA]

Philip Cam (2007): “Here at last is the condensed version of Gabriel Vacariu’s startling view of epistemologically different worlds and its application to a range of both traditional and contemporary philosophical problems. If Vacariu is right, this work represents a Copernican shift in our understanding of what we took to be ourselves and the world about us.” [Philip Cam, Philosophy, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia]

Ilie Parvu (2007): “The idea of epistemologically different worlds can generate a new approach not only to the mind-body problem but also to many other fields of philosophical theorizing, from general ontology to more specific problems in the philosophy of special sciences.” [Ilie Parvu, Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Romania]

William R. Uttal (in 2013): “Gabriel, personal development  like you have exhibited is the sign of a fine mind. Congratulations.” [William R. Uttal, Professor Emeritus (Engineering) at Arizona State University and Professor Emeritus (Psychology) at the University of Michigan, USA]

Heinrich Loth (2018): “I told you, you will become religious. Anyway, your philosophy have created a new religion!”

Juan Eliezer Garcia Torres (2014): “With the approach of EDWs, we (the psychiatrists) have one of the most important links between darkness and wonder (mind and brain), and empowers psychiatry in the most pure Kantian way.” (M.D. Juan Eliezer Garcia Torres, Unidad the Rehabilitacion Psiquiatrica, Instituto Tehnologico de Estudios Superiores (Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico)

Mohsen Aghaei (2016)“The epistemologically different worlds perspective will sure shake the world of science in not too distant future.” [Mohsen Aghaei, Kish Institute of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran]

Priscilla Nocom (2017): “Hats off to Tesla n U too.” [The best complements that I have ever received!]

David Antia (2017): “I read your book it is really challenging… I want to be like you.” [Physics, University of Uyo, Nigeria]

Enrique A Carmona (in 2017):  “Hey Gabriel, I finally had the time to read some of your work and I am now able to understand it. Not an easy digestion. So, all this “controversial” problems have only been the product of a wrong framework? It is interesting though that a different framework completely changes the perception of the world.”

Godwin Victor (2017): “A Very good book!” [Theoretical Physics at California State University, Los Angeles, USA]

William Whabit (Australia, 2017): “There are only two great scientific theories of the last century–GR, short for the general relativity theory of gravity and QM, short for quantum mechanics. Indeed they both work well in their respective regimes. GR is so far our best theory of gravity, it explains the very large structure ofthe universe. QM, meanwhile, explains the odd behaviour of the very tiny particles of the smallest structure of the atom. However, they are not compatible. If they are not compatible they could be both wrong. Although it seems that statement is somewhat disappointing to the supporters of both theories, the fact is, there is one physicist who claims that they are indeed both wrong. Unlike most academicians and theoreticians I have ever encountered, he is the most courageous of them all. His radical ideas may come as repulsive to the rest of the conformists. He is none other than Professor Gabriel Vacariu. He is the only physicist I have encountered who is not selling his books. For those who are interested in updating on physics and knowing his ideas, start here!…Illusions of Human Thinking – On Concepts of Mind, Reality, | Gabriel Vacariu | Springer“The book illustrates that the traditional philosophical concept of the “Universe”, the “World” has led to anomalies and paradoxes in the realm of…SPRINGER.COM” At″

Wayne Garrett: … if your ideas are “revolutionary” (as opposed to “evolutionary”) then they will not be easily accepted or even acknowledged readily. Some people may want to jump on-board with you, but most do not want to risk a career on in-proven ideas, they don’t want to be seen the fool. Others probably had the same or very similar ideas, just did not want to put them in writing as the “first” due to their untested, unproven nature. It takes time for up-ending ideas to be verified, to be validated. You may not know in your lifetime if they become accepted. Like with art, ideas often only become accepted with the passage of time. And, remember, the “death” of an artist is often a very good career move.” [and about people who have plagiarized my ideas] “Relax, you will get your credit at the proper time. It’s all published and basically time-stamped.”

Hemrak Tamang: “Ow! If this is true. NEW ERA WILL OPEN.” [Chemical engineering at the Heidelberg University] “Sir you are soo genius. You in our group is proud for all members.”

Eduardo Silva (in 2017): “I’ve recently been making my way through your books which I’ve enjoyed tremendously and has helped change my ideas on almost everything. The reason I thought I would ask was just to make sure I was understanding you correctly. I’m pleased that I’m on the right track.”  [Eduardo Silva, Psychology, Bristol and Kings, UK]

Dirk Henninghaus (Dortmund, Germany, Researcher in healthcare and insurance mathematics, University of Münster 2018): “Epistemological worlds as a concept are really unique and interesting. Fascinating philosophical work.”

Hamza Ali Asif (in 2017): “Gud sir, Its a.scientist tradation as einstein, hubble, maxwell, darwin, boltzmann, feynman,… Gabriel Vacariu…..very nice” [Physics, Pakistan]

Soumyarajan Panda (in 2017): “Sir, I think u r a great scientist” [Science, India]

Tommi Vijamaa  (July 2017): “I have to say you truly have a great mind, I’m trying to read more of your work now.”

Martin Tornberg (August 2017, Mathematics, Univ. of Pennsylvania): “Thank you for posting. Obviously existing mainstream theories have large gaps, are incomplete at best, and may be fundamentally flawed despite providing a paradigm that is useful in many ways and “works” in many ways. We need more out-of-the box thinkers like yourself and we need for them to be able to have their voices heard.”

Diana Coumont (August 2017): “ It is so sad that such plagiarism happens, unfortunately it takes so long for the real scientist that do the work to be recognized, but, it usually is brought to light. You know what you’ve done, sad others don’t acknowledge.”

Piotr Slupski (Politechnika Wroclawska, Poland) “I very much understand your point of view as well as feel very much the same when seeing similar content. I think, however, that you would be more satisfied and relaxed if you treated the mainstream as Tesla did – “I don’t care they stole my idea, I care they didn’t have their own”. Also, the Nobel committee recently posted a video where its said that good papers and science will be read anyway. Metrics really don’t matter. Great work man, thanks for sharing!”

Dale Anderson (Michigan USA) “No doubt that you are very smart Gabriel, and a thinker. The world needs more original thinkers. First come the innovators then the imitators.”

Jessie P. Dolia (Mathematics and Research Instructor (JHS & SHS) at CCL CentrExJust fight for you rights and do not give up. The world will know soonest how your magnificent works re-shaped its image. I am all out in support for you Dr. Gabriel Vacariu. I will also educate some of my colleagues, friends, professionals and students about how important it is to value and respect intellectual property. They should learn to the greatest extent of law all the penalties and consequences of such acts. You deserve a Nobel Prize for this wonderful, significant and life-changing contribution to the people, to the society and to our civilization in the field of Pseudoscience, Philosophy and Medicine. In fact two or more Nobel Prizes Dr. Gabriel Vacariu. My salute to such great person like you. They will never prosper. Those who plagiarized your ideas have nothing but mere debunked replica of your works. They own nothing! …  They deserved to be placed in jail. They are robbers, theives. How pitiful of them…”

Rayan Moadh Serrai (Algeria): “Thx for accepting my request, genius. Hope one day you’ll win and get your properties deserved.”

Terry Gunn (Texas, USA, applied physics): ‘My doctorate is applied physics… What have you written is fascinating me! … I would like to formulate some of your philosophy, or have you already produced the mathematics?’ (My answer: ‘No. I am philosopher. You can try to do it. Thanks!) (Lambert, if I remembered correctly, tried to mathematize Kant’s philosophy!)

JayCee Themenace ‘Bro, although you deserve recognition and all the credits to your marvelous work, I don’t think it is wise to be mainly concerned about these things and fame, your work in itself is making revolutions around the world , you’ve done changed something about the world, and I think that life has a way of rewarding people like you, I think in my humble opinion that you should keep working on your projects and perfecting your views in order to substantiate your theories to the scientific community.’

Shubhang Upadhyay (India, physics): ‘You played a huge role in Quantum mechanics!’

Dialogue on Facebook about my writings:
Michael C.: Sorry that Your Work was Stolen
Me: Something normal in this absurd world…

Hritik Pandey (India, student Master, Mathematics): ‘Sir, I currently working on your EDWs and my theory to prove it 100% and we will change the world. It’s the first dimensional proof that EDWs are real.’

Dipak Bhattarai (Nepal, Physics): “Today I just saw your website and you man are a real legend….Whaaaat a thinking you’ve laid out about universe !!!!!! I seriously need your book but I can’t get it here in Nepal so I want your help… A great respect from Nepal!

Uma Đurić (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina): “Are you developing a completely new philosophical paradigm? like something that could in 200 years be called “The School of Vacariu”…”

  • [On Internet about Springer’s book:

“Illusions of Human Thinking” es la idea del genio del autor Gabriel Vacariu publicado el 2015-10-19 al género del libro Philosophy que se llevará a su imaginación y añadir perspicacia. … Autor Gabriel Vacariu es fantástico en la organización de todos los detalles de los contenidos del libro que tiene la cantidad de papel tanto como 188 es el publicado por un libro confiable y bien conocido de Springer.

“Illusions of Human Thinking” is the idea of genius author Gabriel Vacariu published on 19.10.2015 the genre of the book Philosophy that will take your imagination and add insight. … Author Gabriel Vacariu is fantastic in organizing all the details of the contents of the book that has the amount of paper as much as 188 is published by a reliable and well-known publishing book Springer.”

“… einen interessanten Versuch, einen neuen Zugang zu Psychologie, den Neurowissenschaften und der Quantenphysik zu finden ohne dabei in Widersprüche zu geraten. Obwohl an ein breiteres Publikum gewandt, sind philosophische Grundkenntnisse bei der Lektüre hilfreich.” Karl Schäfer, in:, 17. August 2016] [“… an interesting attempt to find a new approach to psychology, neurosciences, and quantum physics without getting into contradictions. Although a wider public is approaching, basic philosophical knowledge is helpful in reading.” (Karl Schäfer, in:, 17. August 2016)]

  • At a high-school from Portugal, at one of his lectures (a week in November 2015), Manuel Jose, professor of philosophy, thought his students about my EDWs perspective! (He wrote me about this event.)
  • Parts of my book “Epistemologically Different Worlds” (2008) will be translated by Hichem Messaoudi, Institution University of Tunis, (Tunisia)
  • My book on a bibliography (“This work is free only for personal and classroom use. Professor Joseph Vaisman Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NYU-Poly”) with some great philosophers. Quite long list, but there are many different sections. At “Epistemology”, there are 5 books. The first book is my Springer book!
  • My book “Epistemologically different worlds” (2008) have been mentioned on orgwebpage: “Counterfactual definiteness” (Categories: “Quantum measurement”) at (the same article at;;;;;;;;, etc.);

Counterfactual definiteness (CFD) means that the output of a system can, in principle, be calculated by using an explicit formula y = f(x). Although the aspects of the universe that can adequately be described by classical physics are compatible with counterfactual definiteness, those aspects of the universe that can only be adequately modelled or described by quantum mechanics are not in all cases compatible with counterfactual definiteness. [1]”  (Footnote [1]: “Gabriel Vacariu, “Epistemologically Different Worlds,” Editura Universitãtii din bucuresti, 2008, ISBN 978-973-737-442-4  p. 331″)

 My works: In Autumn 2007, my PhD Thesis from UNSW (Sydney, Australia), has been posted on Internet at the webpage of UNSW (section for PhD thesis). In March 2008, I published my first book “Epistemologically Different Worlds” with the main ideas of EDWs perspective and its applications to philosophy (of mind), cognitive (neuro)science, and physics (quantum mechanics). (80% from this book are also in my PhD thesis from 2007!) I posted my book from 2008 (and all the next four books, all in English) on the Internet immediately after being published at Publishing Company of my University. I published my next four books in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 (and many articles).

 My books and articles are mentioned by different authors in some articles, books or PhD thesis:

  • (2011) Mohamad El Maouch, Zheng Jin (March 2022), “Artificial Intelligence Inheriting the Historical Crisis in Psychology: An Epistemological and Methodological Investigation of Challenges and Alternatives”, in Frontiers in Psychology,

  • (2021) Fernando Flores Camacho, Beatriz Eugenia García Rivera, Leticia Gallegos Cázares, Elena Calderón Canales, Representaciones y aprendizaje de las cienciasUNAM, Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial, 2021 (200 pagini) (our article from 2001 is mentioned in this book)

  • Javier Eduardo Alejo (2018), Meillassoux, Una introducción al Neorrealismo del Siglo XXI Nombre: Javier Eduardo Alejo Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, (About my books)

  • Zeynep Aydin (2019): Descartes’ view on mind-body problem and contributions,
  • Our chapter Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu (2020) “Rethinking ‘dark matter’ within the epistemologically different worlds (EDWs) perspective”, in Cosmology 2020 – The Current State, (ed) Michael Smith is mentioned here:

    AGUIAR, Samuel Ferreira de. Imagem do campo escuro, unidade natural e efeito anamórfico. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Ano 06, Ed.02, Vol. 02, pp. 57-75. Fevereiro de 2021. ISSN: 2448-0959, Link de acesso:, DOI: 10.32749/

  • Our book (2016) „Dark matter, dark energy, space and time, and other pseudo-notions in Cosmology” (Datagroup) is mentioned in a hierarchy books about dark matter/energy!!!  „36 Best Dark Matter eBooks of All Time, As featured on CNN, Forbes and Inc – BookAuthority identifies and rates the best books in the world, based on public mentions, recommendations, ratings and sentiment”  [our book is on place 29!!!

  • Ashok Saxena (2020),Treo Model of Structure and Working of Universe: Cosmic CodeNotion Press (Author is Postdoctoral Research Associate in the First Light research group at University College London, UCL) [Quoted book (2016) Dark matter and dark energy, space and time, …]

  • Thomas Fornet-Ponse (Hildesheim)  (2015), “Faërie—Utopia? A Theological-Philosophical Defence of Escapism”, in Hither Shore 12 (2015), pp. 164-176
  • Mendie, John Gabrieland Udofia, Stephen Nwanaokuo (2018), “The Problem of Mind-Body Dichotomy: A Critique of the Cartesian Approach” in GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis, Vol. 1(2) (2018)
  • Simon Smith(2018), “In defence of basic facts: neurobiology and the social structure of intending”, APPRAISAL The Journal of the British Personalist Forum, Vol. 11, No. 4. Spring 2018: Page 25-32,
  • Jorge  Emiro Restrepo (2020), “Los límites epistemológicos de las neurociencias: la falacia de las neuroloquesea” (The Epistemological Boundaries of Neurosciences: The Fallacy of Neuro-Whatever), in Revista de Psicología Universidad de Antioquia, quotes Vacariu and Vacariu (2014), “Troubles with CNS”
  • „dark matter, dark energy, space and time…” (2016b) quoted by:
– M Graziano(2020), „Il cinguettio dell’universo. Le onde gravitazionali tra teoria, tentativi ed errori”,
– Ashok Saxena (2020), Treo Model of Structure and Working of Universe: Cosmic Code, Notion Press
  • Robert C. Trundle (2019) Consciousness and Being: From Being to Truth in the Thomistic Tradition, Pickwick Publications: “And attempting to avoid “electricity-thought” sorts of reductionism, by correlating one with the other par, puts cognitive neuroscience in danger of being a pseudo-science because, as noted insightfully by Gabriel Vacariu, correlations of neuronal states to the states of the mind do not presuppose any laws that are proper to science.” (note 52) note 52: „See Vacariu’s superb contributions to in More Troubles with Cognitive Neuroscience, Introduction. (p. 36)”
[Robert C. Trundle is a Fellow at the Adler-Aquinas Institute and is a former faculty member at Regis College and University of Colorado at Colorado Springs as well as an award-winning professor at Northern Kentucky University.]

My article (2011) “The Mind-Body Problem Today” last quotations:

My Springer’s book (2016)

  • Brian Spittles (2022), Psychosis, Psychiatry and Psychospiritual Considerations, Aeon Books
  • „The mind vs. the mind extreme”
  • Neutral monism
  • Jose Garrigues (May 2020, preprint), (Universitat Politècnica de València) “Space is Absolute”,
  • Philipp Klar (2020), What is neurophilosophy: Do we need a non-reductive form?, Synthese, (October 2020)
  • „Neutral monism – Wikipedia” (
  • Luc Sala (2016), Sacred Journeys with psychedelics, Onderstroomboven Collectief (Artscience, Cooperatie Netherland): “Philospher Markus Gabriel in “Why the world does not exist” (2015), probably using Gabriel Vacariu’s earlier notions, also poses that there could be more ‘worlds’, hre that is limited to three realm, each epistemolocally different.” (p. 42)
  • On a bibliography (“This work is free only for personal and classroom use. Professor Joseph Vaisman Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NYU-Poly”) with some great philosophers. Quite long list, but there are many different sections. At “Epistemology”, there are 5 books. The first book is my book!
  • (2017) Ana Bazac, “What does a new scientific spirit mean? Bachelard from the thirties of the last century and the science of our days”, NOEMA XVI (2017)
  • “Epistemological Different Worlds (EDWs) as philosophy of science framework for interdisciplinary questions of research, concept & application in psychology & (cognitive) neurosciences & biology & physics” at
  • ‘Lumi epistemologic diferite’ (2014, Datagroup), Comentariu in Ziarul Financiar(Ziarul de Duminica):
  • (2018) Brian Spittles (BA Hons.), Better Understanding Psychosis: A Psychospiritual Challenge to Medical Psychiatry, PhD thesis, Murdoch University
  • (2018), Denis K. Maslov, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russian
    Federation), LIMITS OF SCEPTICISM AND OBJECTIVITY OF KNOWLEDGE, in Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta – Tomsk State University Journal, 2018, 435, 59–65. [Maslov mentions my books 2008 and 2016)

Other books/articles quoted/mentioned

  • Fred, M.R. September (2020), “The scientific status of cognitive neuroscience: An open (and maybe sophomoric) critique to Vacariu”,
  • Magnus Klaue (2015), „Das Gehirn und die Gurken”, nd,
  • (2020) Signorelli Camilo Miguel and Wang Quanlong, A Compositional model of Consciousness based on subjectivity as a fundamental feature of nature, (preprint) Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford; Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, NeuroSpin 3 Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd (Version April 14, 2020 submitted to Preprints)
  • Gerard Cambon, “What is entanglement?”,
  • (2019) Nivedita Kumari, PHILOSOPHICAL STUDY ON CHALLENGES IN HUMAN MIND AND BODY RELATIONSHIP, Airo International Research Journal, February, Vol. XVIII, Issue No. 2
  • (2017, December) Koehler Gus, ‘An investigation of a possible foundation for new poetic-scientific research instruments, Emergence: Complexity and Organization’,
  • (2017) William R. Uttal, The Neuron and the Mind,The Microneuronal Theory and Practice in Cognitive Neuroscience, Routledge (Prof. Uttal mentions two works of mine the book from 2012 and the article from 2013!)
  • (2016) William R. Uttal, Macroneural Theories in Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology Press: “Although this is referred to as one version of the binding problem, it is unlikely that binding is other than a pseudoproblem. To the extent that the overall state of a network can be considered to be the psychoneural equivalent of mental activity, there is no obvious need to seek some means of reconstructing parts that were torn asunder only for reasons of conceptual or experimental convenience. For an extended discussion of the binding problem, see the article by M. Vacariu and G. Vacariu (2010).” (p. 135) (William Uttal is one of the greatest cognitive neuroscientists in the world!)

  • (2016) Manuel Marques José, A minha carreira docente: um percurso de humanidade, outubro de 2016

(2017) Sung Jang Chung (Morristown-Hamblen Healthcare System, Morristown, USA) ‘The Science of Self, Mind and Body’, in Essentials of Philosophy, Vol 6, (ed. June Palmer)

  • (2015) Robert C. Trundle, Integrated Truth and Existential Phenomenology: A Thomistic Response to iconic anti-realists in science, Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands [My book (2014) More troubles with cognitive neuroscience; Einstein’s theory of relativity and the hyperverse is mentioned: the idea about the possibility that cognitive neuroscience is a pseudo-science since correlations between mental and neuronal states do not presuppose any laws proper to science. (p. 20)]
  • (2015) Charles-Édouard Niveleau and Alexandre Métraux, “The Bounds of Naturalism: A Plea for Modesty”, Philosophia Scientiæ, 19(3), 2015, 3–21
  • Adriana Neacsu (2014) Review on ‘More troubles with cognitive neuroscience. Einstein’s theory of relativity and the hyperverse’, in ANALE 33 (1/2014) ANALE 33 (1/2014) ANALE 33 (1/2014) ANALE 33 (1/2014) ANALE 33, (1/2014),
  • My book 2012 in “Mental representations and the mind-brain”,
  • About the “epistemologically different worlds” at
    ● My EDWs perspective is investigated by Ahmed Kuytov (Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, an article in a Bulgarian journal (2014), pp. 55-60) at here)
    ● Despre munca mea si neamtul care mi-a plagiat ideile, vezi (in limba romana)
  • (2013) Vlad Paul Mocanu (student, Department of Philosophy, University of Bucharest) – Dissertation on “The Theory of ‘Epistemologically Different Worlds’. Perspectives and Applications.” (in Romanian)
  • (2016) Vlad Paul Mocanu “Does the Epistemologically Different Worlds Approach Become a Solipsist Philosophy at the End?”,Annals of the University of Bucharest, Vol. LXIII, no. 2, 2014 pp. 125 – 138,
  • My book from 2012: (2016) Arturo G. Rillo, (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de M.), Fenomenología y Neurociencias. (Programa del Curso, 2016),

The article Vacariu, Terhesiu, Vacariu (2001)

  • Wheeler, Michael, 2005, Reconstructing the Cognitive World – The Next Step, Bradford Book, The MIT Press
    ● Wheeler, Michael, 2009, “The Problem of Representation”, in Shaun Gallager and Daniel Schmicking (eds.), Handbook of Phenomenology and Cognitive Science, Springer
    ● Scott Freeman (2012), “An engaging nuisance: Weka, flipping and farmers”, PhD thesis Philosophy, Lincoln University, New Zeeland
    ● Michael Anacker, Marc Breuer, Daniel Cohnitz, Michael Flacke (2003), “Bibliography Zeitschriftenschau”, Journal for General Philosophy of Science 34: 371–405
    ● Szabó, Inácio (2008), “Comunidades virtuais de conhecimento: informação e inteligência coletiva no ciberespaço”, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Instituto de Ciência da Informação, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação
  • Stefanescu Adina “Reflection on the content and the reference of the Idea of Representation – Reflection on the content and the reference of the Idea of Representation – Review of Vacariu et al.’s “Toward a very idea of representation” (

The article Vacariu (2005): „Mind, brain and Epistemologically Different Worlds” (Synthese 2005, USA)

  • (2018)  Мусс Александр Игоревич ОПЫТ КОНЦЕПТУАЛИЗАЦИИ МОДЕЛИ ЧЕЛОВЕКА В КОГНИТИВНОЙ НАУКЕ Специальность: 09.00.13 – Философская антропология, философия культуры. Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата философских наук,  Научный руководитель: доктор философских наук, профессор В. Ю. Сухачев,  Санкт-Петербург – 2018
  • Wayne Silva (2020), „What other particle was, meaning that the”,
  • Alexander I. Muss (CSc in Philosophy, Senior Lecturer Saint Petersburg State University) (2020), On several philosophies of mind, in Второй Международный Конгресс Русского общества истории и философии науки «Наука как общественное благо», Москва Издательство РОИФН 2020
  • Knyazeva, H. (2020). Descartes’ Psychophysical Problem and Its Criticism in the Modern Conception of Embodied Cognition. METHOD: Moscow Yearbook of Social Studies, 10, P. 179–195.
  • Nani Widiawati (2020, Indonesia), Pluralisme metodologi: diskursus sains, filsafat, dan
  • (2020) Alexander Muss, “Critical Philosophy of Mind: The Transcendental Idealistic Perspective”, FILOSOFIJA. SOCIOLOGIJA, T. 31. Nr. 1, p. 78–84, © Lietuvos mokslų akademija
  • (2018) A.I. Muss (post-graduate student), Department of philosophical anthropology, St.-Petersburg State University FEATURES OF COGNITIVE SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHICAL ANTHROPOLOGY IN THE CONTEXT OF HUMAN STUDY at
  • (2017) Ana Bazac, “MATER, INFORMATION AND CANCER: NOTES RELATED TO “CHALLENGING INTEGRALISM, ARISTOTELIAN ENTELECHEIA, HYLE AND MORPHE (FORM), AND CONTEMPORARY CONCEPTS OF INFORMATION, TOUCHING UPON THE AETIOLOGICAL ISSUES OF CARCINOGENESIS,” by Josef Bremer, Konstantin Khroutski, Rudolf Klimek, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz in “Challenging integralism, Aristotelian entelecheia, hyle and morphe (form), and contemporary concepts of information, touching upon the aetiological issues of carcinogenesis (with reflecting feedbacks of Paul Beaulieu, Ana Bazac, Anna Makolkin, Leonardo Chiatti, Milan Tasić and Dariusz Szkutnik)” at КиберЛенинка:
  • van der Beek, George (2006), “Representationalism versus Anti-representationalism: constraining the notion of representation”, Master’s thesis at Cognitive Artificial Intelligence, University of Utrecht
    ● Tsai, Yao-Ming (Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University), “The Philosophical Outreach and Literary Review of the Mind-Body Topic in Buddhist Studies”
    ● Lovell-Smith, Hugh David (2009), “A consideration of homeostatic regulation of eating from the perspective of maharishi vedic science”, PhD thesis, University of Auckland, NZ
    ● Bosnic, Emir (2009), “Física cartesiana e mathesis universalis”, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, PhD thesis, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
    ● Inácio Szabó and Rubens Ribeiro Gonçalves da Silva, (2006) “A construção de conhecimento nas comunidades virtuais do ciberespaço”, Revista da Associação Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, Spain
    ● Cai Yaoming (2010) (National Taiwan University Department of Philosophy) “The psychosomatic topic philosophy in Buddhist scholars the tentacles and academic review”, La Well the network editorial department reported
    ● John Bickle “Introduction”, Synthese (2005). Volume 147, Issue 3
    ● (2016) Arturo G. Rillo, (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de M.), Fenomenología y Neurociencias. (Programa del Curso, 2016),

Article (2007) “Kant, philosophy in the last 100 years and an epistemologically different worlds perspective
● Margit Ruffing (2009), “Kant-Bibliographie 2007”, Kant-Studien issue 4, pp. 427-592
About “Epistemologically different worlds” (2008)
● Adriana Monica Solomon (2009), Revista de Filosofie Analitică, Volumul III, 10, Ianuarie (
● “Counterfactual definiteness” (Categories: “Quantum measurement”) +

+ “Project Gutenberg Self Publishing Press” at

  • (2007) Wilna Dirkse van Schalkwyk, The essence of stroke rehabilitation experience across two settings, PhD thesis,  Liverpool John Moores University, GB

The article Vacariu (2011) “The Mind-Body Problem Today”

  • Gabriel Landry NGOUESSY-GUIBINGA (2020) Self-knowledge and leadership effectiveness in corporate South Africa, (PhD thesis,  University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (South Africa) Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management Wits Business School –  Under the supervision of Professor Imhotep Paul Alagidede )
  • Jovan Milivojević (2017), “FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MATERIAL ME AND MIND ME – I AM”, 2st International conference on Qulaity of Life (June 2017), Center for Quality, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Serbia
  • Sung Jang Chung(2014), “Parallels between Confucian Philosophy and Quantum Physics”, Open Journal of Philosophy 4, 192-206
    ● Sung Jang Chung (Morristown-Hamblen Healthcare System, Morristown, USA) (2012), “The Science of Self, Mind and Body”, Open Journal of Philosophy (USA), Vol.2, No.3
    ● Johnson Final Draft: 
    ● This paper is in a bibliography of a course at Columbia Southern University (USA), Psychology,

  • My articles and books are posted on many sites. (see for instance
  • Discussion about my EDWs perspective on Facebook:
  • July 2018: on 61 papers mention Gabriel Vacariu, 3 highly cited papers mention your name

People who have plagiarized my ideas have no chances. History never accepts THIEVES!

Despre “Viata lui G.”

  • Cristina Manole, Prozatori romani contemporani, 06-02-2020, nr. 1005, Rubrici

Academic employment & record of tertiary studies

Record of tertiary studies

  • (January 2008) Ph.D. degree, University of New South Wales, School of Philosophy (Sydney, Australia)
    ● (2004- 2007) Ph.D. student, University of New South Wales,School of Philosophy (Sydney, Australia); Title: Epistemologically Different Worlds(PDF)EIPRS and UIPA scholarships. The thesis was submitted at Graduate Centre, UNSW on 06.09.2007 and posted on the internet on 21.09.2007 and then on 29.04.2008 at The referees of the thesis: John Bickle (University of Cincinnati, USA), Rom Harre (Linacre College, Oxford, UK) and Ilie Parvu (University of Bucharest, Romania) [The first book published, 2008, („Epistemologically Different Worlds”) is 80% from this thesis!]● (February 2006) Ph.D. degree, University of Bucharest, Department of Philosophy, Chair of Theoretical Philosophy and Logic; Topic: The concept of representation in cognitive science
    ● (1999-2000) New Bulgarian University, Department of Cognitive Science (Sofia, Bulgaria); Postgraduate Student
    ● (1996-1997) University of Bucharest, Department of Philosophy (Bucharest, Romania) MA – average: 10 (of max. 10); Master Thesis: Inquires on Carnap’s Aufbau
    ● (1991-1996) University of Bucharest, Department of Philosophy (Bucharest, Romania)
    BA – average: 9.50 (of max. 10); Thesis: Kant and the exact sciences
    ● (1987-1991) Technical University of Iassy, Department of Computer Science (Iassy, Romania) Undergraduate Student


  • (2013) Reviewer at Synthese – An International Journal for Epistemology, Methodology and Philosophy of Science(USA)
  • (2015), Reviewer at MIT Press (USA)

Academic employment

  • Since 2009, Lecturer Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Bucharest (Bucharest, Romania)
  •  (2009-2010) I hold a course on Philosophy of Cognitive Science, one semester for graduates (MA), Department of Automatic Control and Computers, Polytechnic University of Bucharest
  • (1997-2009) Assistant-Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Bucharest (Bucharest, Romania)
  • (1997-2003) Initiator and co-ordinator of the Group for Cognitive Science, University of Bucharest (Bucharest, Romania)
  • CEEPUS Project (coordinator lect. Gabriel Vacariu)


  • The theory of scientific knowledge (Teoria cunoasterii stiintifice) an III, semestrul 1 Teoretica,
  • Philosophy of mind and cognitive science(Filosofia mintii si a stiintei cognitiei) anul II, semestrul 1
  • Philosophy and Film (Filosofie și film), optional, semestrul II (the last four Andrei Tarkovsky’s movies; despre “”Solaris”, 2016 clip aici) + clip 2018 here:; about Stalker (Tarkovski) aici

 Academic related activities

  • „Discutie despre cadrul general de gandire la Tarkovski si Wong Kar Wai”,;;
  • (16.11.2018) Presentation “The Epistemologically Different Worlds – the greatest challange in human thinking (the STORM versus the ‘sandboys’)” here: my EDWs perspective
  • (26.06.2017) Presentation “The Epistemologically Different Worlds and Cognitive Neuroscience (a pseudoscience)”, at Polish-Romanian Workshopon Scientific modeling and explanation Philosophical & scientific insights from cognitive science and beyond, Busteni, text here: EDWs and CNS
  • (14.05.2015) Presentation “Cognitive neuroscience”, at Symposium “Actual directions of research on consciousness”, Romanian Academy, Comitetul Român de Istoria şi Filosofia Ştiinţei şi Tehnicii, Divizia de Logică, Metodologie şi Filosofie a Ştiinţei, Grupul de Cercetări Interdisciplinare; Societatea Naţională de Neuroştiinţe, Facultatea de Medicină, Disciplina Fiziologie şi Neuroştiinţe (see the schedule Afis program- mai 14-15)
  • (29.03.2014) Videoconference “Epistemologically different worlds applied to cognitive neuroscience”, Symposium of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Nuevo Leon (Monterrey, Mexico). (“I Simposium de la Unidad de Rehabilitación Psiquiátrica de los Servicios de Salud de Nuevo León y del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey”). (Schedule at!horarios/ctnu) (a photo with this videoconference )
    ● (04.12.2013) Presentation “The world vs. epistemologically different worlds“, Department of Philosophy, Bucharest University
    (27.11.2013) Presentation “Did Markus Gabriel (Bonn University) plagiarize my ideas?“, Department of Philosophy, Bucharest University
    ● (06.11.2013) Round table on Mihai Vacariu’s book “In love with Tarkovski – A small treatise of living art”. Participants: Cristi Puiu, Elena Dulgheru, Gabriel Vacariu, Mihai Vacariu, Mihai Fulger at Cinemateca Romana, Eforie Room
    ● (28.06. 2013) I organized a Round-Table live on the Internet: “Micro-neuronal level and/or macro-neuronal level in explaining cognition”. Participants: John Bickle (Mississippi State University) at 13.00-New York (28th July), Adele Abrahamsen, William Bechtel (University of California, San Diego), Gabriel Vacariu (Bucharest University) at 20.00-Bucharest (28th July), and William Uttal (Arizona State University) at 07.00-Hawaii (29th July), Department of Philosophy, University of Bucharest. Parts of this round-table discussion at
    ● (22.07.2013) I organized the round-table: “The role of neuroscience in explaining cognition“. Participants: William Bechtel (Philosophy, University of California, San Diego), Adele Abrahamsen (Project Scientist in the Center for Research in Language, University of California, San Diego), Maria-Luiza Flonta (Neuroscience, Biology, UB),Mircea Dumitru (Philosophy, UB), Bogdan Amuzescu (Neuroscience, Biology, UB), Gabriel Vacariu (Philosophy, UB), Faculty of Philosophy (University of Bucharest).
    ● (20.06.2013) Presentation “Troubles with cognitive neuroscience and the hyperverse”, Department of Biology, Bucharest University
    ● (29.05.2013) “Prezentare despre viata si opera sculptorului Constantin Brancusi“, Facultate de Filosofie, Universitatea Bucuresti
    ● (09.05.2013) Presentation Cognitive neuroscience and the hyperverseInstitute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland) 
    ● (04.04. 2013) Gheorghe Stefanov and Gabriel Vacariu: debate on the status of conceptual art, Department of Philosophy, University of Bucharest
    ● (29.11.2012) Presentation “The beauty and the hyperverse“, (A parallel between art and philsophy of the last century), Faculty of Philosophy, Univ. of Bucharest
    ● In 2012, I re-included my department in CEEPUS project (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies): “Cognitive Science, Knowledge Studies, and Knowledge Technologies”, University of Vienna, the main coordinator. Departments belong to universities from Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovacia, and Slovenia.
    ● (7.09.2012) Presentation “God died long time ago. How can we rule out the infinite?“, Summer school “Science, religion, philosophy: Teism vs. Ateism”, Department of philosophy, Univ. of Bucharest.
    ● (28.04.2012) Presentation “What kind of science is cognitive neuroscience?” in Symposium “The mind-brain relationship in cognitive neuroscience”, Department of Philosohy, Univ. of Bucharest
    ● (27-28.04.2012) I organized the symposium – “The mind-brain relationship in cognitive neuroscience” at Department of Theoretical Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest. Participants: Bogdan Amuzescu (Biology, University of Bucharest), Violeta Ciobanu (Psychology, University of Bucharest) Ioan Dumitrache (Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, Polytechnic University of Bucharest), Mircea Dumitru (Philosophy, University of Bucharest), Marius Dumitru (Christ Church, Oxford), Luiza-Maria Flonta (Biology, University of Bucharest), Gheorghe Stefanov (Philosophy, University of Bucharest), Gabriel Vacariu (Philosophy, University of Bucharest), Leon Zagrean (Neuroscience – University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest) Adriana Zbant (Philosophy, University of Bucharest)
    ● (16.11.2011) Presentation “Being and the Hyperverse” in “Seminars of Theoretical Philosophy”, Department of Philosophy, University of Buchares. Presentation PDF 
    ● (16.11.2011) Round table “The role of philosophy in science“. Participants: Bogdan Amuzescu (biologie), Mircea Flonta, Ilie Parvu, Gheorghe Stefanov and Gabriel Vacariu
    ● (08.09.2011) Presentation – “The role of science in creating the philosophical system”; Summer School of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Bucharest. RomanianEnglish
    ● (26.03.2009) Presentation – “ ‘Representation’ in Cognitive Science“, “Engineering-Mind” Group, The Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, Bucharest
    ● (10.07.2007) Presentation – “The ‘unicorn-world’ and its Ptolemaic epicycles in cognitive science/philosophy of mind” at the 8th conference of the Australasian Society for Cognitive Science, University of Adelaide, Australia. (abstract at “Download proceedings”)

  • (09.2006) Presentation within Panel D (Are there useful ways to think about the mind?With Hales, Sutton, Vacariu) at INA/Brain Sciences: Neurophilosophy workshop, (Scope: the complex relationship between mind and brain, as viewed by psychiatrists, neuroscientists and philosophers), University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
    (at– see INA/Brain Sciences UNSW Neurophilosophy Workshop, 10 September – (PDF) )
  • (03.05.2002) (with Dalia Terhesiu) Presentation -“Brain, mind and Robinson Crusoe in the 21st century” – at the 19th Annual Workshop- “New Trends in Cognitive Science”- organized by the European Society for the Study of Cognitive System and Austrian Society for Cognitive Science, Salzburg, Vienna
    ● (03.2002) Co-ordinatorof“The Spring School on Cognitive Science”within the CEEPUS project and “Complexity Theory” Research Project. Participants- professors and students from: Faculty of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria; Department of Philosophy, Ljubljana, Slovenia; ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary; Department of Mathematics, Department of Linguistics, Department of Philosophy, Department of Biology (University of Bucharest)
    ● (03.2002) Presentation -“The principle of ontological complementarity” – at “Spring School on Cognitive Science”, University of Bucharest, Bucharest
    ● (01.2002) Presentation -“Some key elements in Cognitive Science” – at Washington University in Saint Louis, USA, Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology program
    ● (27-30.12.2001) Participant to APA annual meeting in Atlanta, USA
    ● (05.2001) Presentation “Representations“ at International Spring School on Cognitive Science, Bucharest, University of Bucharest
    ● (07.2000), (07.1999) Participant at International Summer School on Cognitive Science, Sofia, Bulgaria
    ● (05.2000), (05.2001), (03.2002) Initiator and co-ordinator of“International Spring School on Cognitive Science”, CEEPUS project.
    ● (06.1998) Participant at International Summer School on Philosophy of Science, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
    ● (09.1997) Participant at International Colloquium on Representation and Demarcation in Philosophy and Cognitive SciencePredeal, Romania
    ● (05.1997) Presentation “Remarks on Carnap’s AUFBAU” at Romanian-Finnish Colloquium on Logic, Philosophy of Science and Cognitive Science, Predeal, Romania
    ● (11.1993) Participant to a round table on “Determinism and Indeterminism” at the Romanian Academy, Institute of Philosophy, Iassy, Romania

General fields of interest:

Philosophy of Cognitive (Neuro)Science, Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of mind, Kant
Special topics of interest: the relationship between mind and brain in cognitive science; the mind-body problem; localization, the binding problem, the spatial perception, “localization” in cognitive neuroscience, representation in cognitive science/philosophy of mind; emergence, supervenience and reductionism problems; computationalism, connectionism and dynamical system approaches in cognitive science, the “I” (self) in cognitive neuroscience and philosophy; the relationship between general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics (the relationship between micro- and macro-entities), what exist/is, entities and their interactions

Teaching experience – Courses and seminars

  • (1997-present) Actually, I am Conferentiar-Professor at Department of Philosophy, University of Bucharest

Courses: “Philosophy of mind and cognitive science”, “Introduction to cognitive neuroscience”, “Philosophy and science”, “Metaphilosophy”, “Theory of scientific knowledge (Thermodynamic, Einstein’s relativity, quantum mechanics, etc.)”

Seminars: “Philosophy of mind and cognitive science”, “Introduction to cognitive neuroscience”, “Philosophy of science”, “Metaphilosophy”, “Epistemology”, “Introduction to philosophy”

  • (1997-2003) Together with my brother Mihai, I set up the Centre for Cognitive Science at the University of Bucharest. This was a new program which started with 25-30 students and where we brought in lecturers from disciplines like psychology, neuroscience, mathematics and philosophy and where we taught philosophy and computer science in the format of seminars based on learning within a group dynamic. We organized conferences, lectures and seminars given in Cognitive Science, Philosophy, Computer Simulations and Mathematics. In the end, the program inspired the leaders of my department to create a Masters Degree program on Cognitive Science.
  • In 2007, I have started to hold the course on Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science. My lectures are at
  • (2012-2013) I hold a course on “Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience” (in English), Master of Analytical Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Bucharest
  • (2004-2006) I hold seminars at School of Philosophy, University of New South Wales, (Sydney, Australia) to various disciplines such as “Logic”, “Thinking about Reasoning”, “Critical thinking”, “The Use of Language”, “Images and Symbols”


  • (May 2013)Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland) one month research scholarship within CEEPUS project (international project on Cognitive Science).
    ● (May 2002) ELTE University (Budapest, Hungary) one month research scholarship within CEEPUS project (international project on Cognitive Science).
    ● (2002-2003) University of New York, Department of Philosophy (New York, USA) Fulbright Scholarship
    ● (May 2002) University of Viena, Department of Philosophy (Vienna, Austria) Scholarship offered by CEEPUS project-an international project on Cognitive Science
    ● (January 2002) Washington University, Department of Philosophy (Saint Louis, USA); Scholarship offered by CNCSIS project
    ● (1998-1999) University of Oxford, Department of Experimental Psychology (Oxford, Great Britain) Soros Scholarship; Supervisors: Prof. Martin Davies and Prof. Peter McLeod; Adviser: Prof. E. T. Rolls

Reviewer and Editor

  • (2013) Reviewer at Synthese – An International Journal for Epistemology, Methodology and Philosophy of Science(USA)
  • (2015), Reviewer at MIT Press (USA)
  • Editor edu

Gabriel Vacariu: videoclips about Andrei Tarkovski’s movies: ‘Solaris’ and ‘Stalker’ (martie 2018, Romanian) here: