Master of Arts in Communication and Intercultural Studies

Interdisciplinary master program, with courses fully taught in English, accredited by ARACIS in the field of Sociology.
The master program is organized yearly since 2002.

This is an interdisciplinary programme offered by the Faculty of Philosophy via the UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance and Sustainable Development in partnership with the Universities of Fribourg, Hamburg, Dortmund, University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli and with the University of Applied Sciences in Hamm and Lippstadt. It is designed to respond to the needs of companies and organizations recruiting graduates interested in working in the communication sector in an era where the dialogue across cultures is becoming increasingly important.
The curriculum is flexible and it addresses students with interest in the Humanities and Social Sciences, but with a variety of backgrounds. It offers an excellent framework for cultural studies. The scholars lecturing in the programme are representative of diverse cultural and professional environments, which helps students increase their awareness of the intercultural nature of communication. Courses are usefully complemented by case studies, as the programme has a strong orientation towards both an academically rigorous and practically relevant learning experience for the students. The main learning outcomes achieved in the programme are refined communication skills, interpretative and diplomatic skills to be applied in various intercultural contexts and working environments.

Please visit the program page for details (click here)